Preliminary: February 11th, 2009. Today I was "written up" by my bus driving for saying,"That's bullshit". My friend had said he bought a magazine for 25 dollars. I said," It's not illegal because it's protected under the First Amendment. Introduction: There are many views on the meanings of profane words and just how they are interpreted are personal preference. Source: wikipedia In my case my case I fall under the Idiomatic swearing category. My "swear" was not demeaning, hurtful, a fighting word or used with intent to cause mental harm or encourage someone to cause mental or physical harm. After all words are just words. --My view- words are just words; and people who like to think of words are more than just words are either religious, or just like make a big deal of everything. (bus driver) After all, who really decides what's good or not? Source: wikipedia Full Article: Profanity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Discuss. Dis-Cuss (pun fully intended)
In a school system, they can define their own rules. What you said is technically swearing, which is against the school rules everywhere as far as I know. Trust me, just take the detention or whatever punishment you get. It's really not that bad...
I agree. Swears? **** yeah. They can "spice" up the language. I'm not saying we should be interjecting curses into our sentences like a stereotypical new yorker, but if it feels natural when talking to your friends, why not? George Carlin had some interesting points in his classic "Seven Words you can't say on Television." He said something along the lines of (jokingly, but still in his all-knowing-wisdom) "There are no bad words really. Just bad thoughts. And you attach a thought to a word, then it's bad." For example, ****. It can be hurtful with a hurtful thought ("**** you!") or loving ("I'm going to **** you.") If my post offended you... You clicked on a profanity debate in a forum for an M-rated game. What did you expect?
I have the same view as you Skaterdude, I believe words are just words. However, if its banned from the mouths of students at school, just wait till you get home, or just don't say them so loud. Personally, I swear alot, but other people just say I haz a lack of dictionary knowldgez
I completely agree with the attaching a bad thought to a bad word idea. If a word is used for a hate crime, provocative(spell), hurtful or other similar matter should be worried about. Things like "**** you *****, do something". Me saying,"that's bullshit", should not even be cared about because swearing is overly done and is pretty much becoming a normal part of peoples language. (whether people think it or say it). - do you think I can be suspended off the bus for this? The principle said he will be calling me to the office tomorrow. Hopefully it won't be during weight training... -this post was done from my ipod touch so please excuse sloppiness -iwill be getting on after school tomorrow and will update my status
I agree with you in the sense that words have no more meaning than what we give them. Like Klink mentioned with George Carlin, the words are only bad because we associate them with bad thoughts and ideas. So, while I personally don't believe it to be wrong to use these words, that's not how everyone feels. I don't recommend you go into a job interview a few years later and tell your interviewer that you're the best ****in' guy for the job, and I don't recommend doing anything like that in school either. It's not hurting you to not say those words, at least within earshot of the staff, so why not just control yourself and stay out of trouble.
Due to events that happened last year, my classmates and I are no longer allowed to say the word "Neck".
My school is pretty lenient when it comes to profanity. Today in 4th period the wind slammed the door in a kids face and he yelled, "Mother ****er!" The teacher just looked up, then back down. He then was like, "The wind is pissing me off today!" (The wind was pretty ****in' hard today, no lie.) I like to refer to bad-words as sentence enhancers.
There is the problem; you cannot ban words when some people think of them as normal but others do not. Banning made words is like the banning of Jews by Hitler.(no offense but good ex.) The definition of profane is sword that can be defined by using your own beliefs. Saying that profanity is banned can't be done because of self-definition (my term). -- also in amer. Gov. Last year we learned a court ruling stating that a **** demonstration could not take place was overuled by the supreme court. The decision stated that the Nazis had the right to express their beliefs(falling under the free speach category) -post done from itouch
I actually did not say it that loud. I said it with a normal talk to the kid next to you normally voice. My bus driver is also an old religious hag so I don't know how she heard it. It's also not looking good because everyone in my school is religious. (I don't have religion, I just go with the flow.
Skaterdude, please don't double post. You can edit your previous post or multi-quote to add both quotes to one post.
Norlinksy explained the case best. While we (Americans) have freedom of speech, education is a civil right. If you reside at a public school, then this rule applies to you. While the first amendment is in effect, in school it is not. You are allowing yourself to be there, but with rules. They give you the option to leave, so if you feel the rules are too intolerant, leave. It may sound 'harsh', but it is not. We must abide by the rules, seeing we're looking to be educated there. In you case, it just happened to be bad timing. While the word you used wasn't the worst possible cuss, it still is looked upon as one. Just do the punishment, and get it over with.
Wrong. The constitution applies to anyonein the united states. Freedom if speech is protected under the first amendment. Bullshit, in my case, ment misleading. Words are only thought of as bad when you attach bad thiughts to them. (thanks to previous posters for that statement.) Didn't you learn about the court case where students were not allowed to wear black arm bands for peace during Vietnam. The supreme court overuled and said symbolic speech is also protected under freedom of speach in the first amendment. So the school did not win in this case because they have to follow the law like everyone else.
As to your situation, the school technically has every right to do it, and if you offended someone... blah blah blah And the hitler thing really isn't like banning swear words at all Personally, at my school ppl swear lots and the teachers rarely do anything
Wrong? Can you show me this proof? Your alibi was a alleged court case back in the 70s. Sorry to break it to ya, but alot has changed since then. Furthermore, what state do you live in? Each state has different educational codes and such. I reside in New York. And really it is common sense. If you can't scream '****, ****, ****,etc.' in Public, what do you think warrants it to be said in school for that matter? We can say anything we want, but with jurisdiction and awareness.
Semi wrong. No one has jurisdiction over what we say except your parents (and even then only until you are 18) However, courtesy should be considered. Not everyone wants to hear curse words and if someone asks you not to then you shouldn't. Unless it's on the ****ing internet. Then who the **** really gives a ****.
I reside in Georgia. And actually you can scream ****, ass, *****, excetera. Also I would like to see your proof atleast I backed mine up.Tinker v. Des Moines independent community school district is the name of the case and it actually happened in 1969. Look it up.