This is what I'm planning to build when I acquire Sandbox. It will use the King Of The Hill gametype. The plan so far: Teams spawn in their respective "lobbies". The lobbies contain two sender teleporters. Players can choose to go to the Hill Zone, or the Crow's Nest. The hill zone: A big circular shape (probably) with reciever nodes placed around the outsie, all set to channels 1(for blue team) & 2(for red team). Therefore it will be random which part of the hill zone you spawn in and channels one and two prevent enemy players coming through the receiver nodes right behind you. The hill zone will contain 3 hills, small amounts of cover and a couple weapons/equipment. Players stand in the hills to get points. Crow's Nest: Head up to the crow's nest to help protect your team mates whom are out in the hill zone. The crows nest will be located way up high in the sky, and divided into two sections.. one for each team. The receiver node at the crows nest is ontop of a big ledge, and a couple sniper rifles next to the reciever node. (refer to the sketch above). This will prevent players from going back for more sniper ammo, because they can't get back up. When players run out of sniper ammo.. their only choice is to jump off the edge, killing themselves and enabling them to spawn back in the lobby. This also makes sure players can't take snipers down into the playing field as they would be considered a power weapon in the hands of a skilled No Scoper Additionally.. Players using the crows nest will be rewarded for their efforts with points awarded for headshot sniper kills. (something like 3 points probably. Not too much because I don't want everyone using the crows nest instead of the hill zone) I really want to get this thing planned out really nicely. So I thought I'd take some time to ask for any suggestions/tips you may have. Things to decide: amount of hills. hill size. starting weapon. Amount of Snipers/Sniper ammo. Any tips or suggestions? I know it's not the most crazy, out there original map. Considering Sandbox's huge possibilities.. but It'll be fun, and I want to start small :3
Glad to see somebody is actually out planning maps and not just speculating in the discussion thread. (me being one of them) About this idea. When you forge it you better hurry your monitor as fast as it can go because many, MANY, maps are going to be released just like this the first day. Make sure that yours doesn't lose its originality and make it very high quality. I am looking forward to this one mastar. "pew, pew, pew" Amount of hills: 3-4. We don't have a perfect understanding of sandbox's size so this is hard to determine. Based of of the recently released heat map I would say three or four though. Hill size: I don't know as large as you can properly build a map on. Also not really something you can easily decide with what we know so far. from the heat map I'd say medium-large. have the base of the hills 2 wart hog's length apart just in case you decide to place vehicles. Starting weapons: I am not good with game types. I change mine after I forge the map. That would be the most strategic option for something like this. sniper stats: If your crows nest is large maybe 4 each all laying against the back wall. And make sure they are rather not completely seeing as they will probably just camp with them and shoot anybody that is heading for the teleporters.
Sounds like a great idea, and maybe you could add a switch or something so that there is a limit to how many people can snipe every game. You would never run out of ammo as a sniper because the snipers spawn right behind you. EDIT: This might alter the idea, so remember what you want to build is what will be best.
Well you need to make the hills considerably big so that the players inside of them can actually dodge the sniper bullets coming form the Crow's Nest. Starting weapon, I think a sword maybe, just to get some good combat inside of the hill. As far as sniper ammo, make is somewhat limited, so there will be breaks where the people can go into the hill and only worry about fighting the people contesting the hill with them. Maybe have the respawn time to 60 or 90 seconds as opposed to something like 30.
When you're sniping and you run out of ammo.. you won't be able to get more because you can't get back up to where the snipers spawn. And I'll probably just have two snipers with one spare clip each.
Yeah the Spawn Lobbies will be enclosed to prevent this from happening. And the randomization achieved by using receiver nodes with the same channels means that it will be hard for snipers to camp teleporters.
I would say put an overhang over each teleporter into the "ring" (where hills are) in order to prevent a team to have 4 ppl with snipers, 1 trained on each tele. Sounds like a fun mini-game tho, can't wait
I don't know why, but this idea seems very... ..."simplistic" in terms of what is possible. I'm not saying it's not a great idea, but maybe add some other element? or radical design? ...idk, i guess i expected a lil more from a higher up
Sandbox Map Plantage? A planning montage? (Intro done to the opening segment of Rob Dougan's clubbed to death) *Floating words!* Filmed by: MASTAR Edited by: MASTAR *Machinima-style skit of him hearing the sandbox news while in Foundry* (FLOATING WORDS!!!!) "And I got to work..." (*Let the bodies hit the floor by drowning pool*) Thinking scene! Strobing transitions! Thinking scene! Shaking the camera! Double idea! Triple idea! Over-idea! Idea-tacular! Back to back noscope pencil drawings! Sticky! Zooming in on the pencil drawing medals! Rapid sequences of mediocre no-scope drawings! *Remember the name, by Fort Minor plays* The final product is shown, strobing and camera shaking slows down but is still constant! OOH EPIC DRAWING REPLAY REPLAY REPLAY REPLAY ZOOM IN! ZOOM ALL THE WAY OUT! *Down with the sickness by disturbed* Hardcore screamo erasing scene! Probably filmed in SWAT! Idea stealing for over-ideas! Extermidea! Out-erasing somebody's guests in social! Redrawing! More noscope drawings! And and Idealimanjaro in Multi-team King of the Forum full of idea stealing for the final clip. Credits roll: "Programs used: Windows Movie Maker" "Thanks to the dude who capped the footage" *Music fades out and the montage ends at an awkward note of the song* No really, thats what I thought when I read the title.
Yeah I know what ya mean. I just want to start small and work my way up to bigger stuff. This will be a pretty easy map to make anyways. Shouldn't take too long.
wait didn't u already post this on that idea thread...? anyways, I was thinkin the same, u hope u bought halo wars LE or else this idea will prbly get stolen or just made cuz it's kind of what my first ideas were for the map... no offense. but yeah, i like how u rearranged things to make it more fun... i hope u make it