Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 This Holiday Activision Blizzard reveals next COD game coming near end of year. by Jason Ocampo February 11, 2009 - During its fourth quarter financial conference call on Wednesday, Activision Blizzard revealed that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is due out this holiday season. This is the project that Infinity Ward has been working on, and it sounds like a direct sequel to its 2007 blockbuster hit. Last year's Call of Duty: World at War, which was developed by Treyarch, was one of the year's biggest selling games, and helped in Activision's better-than-expected profits in the fourth quarter. This is in sharp contrast to the losses reported by the company's competitors. Source: IGN: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 This Holiday I personally am super excited about this. I really cannot wait one bit now. Why cant the end of the year come already.
I'll only buy this if they change things up a bit. I'm not gonna buy the same game for the third time in a row.
It's infinity ward. They are going to fix the major flaws and make so many changes it wont be like the same game. I hope.
Its not the flaws i'm worried about, hell, there weren't really that many, but it's the fact that developers these days go by the saying "If it aint broken, why fix it". I will buy it if it mixes things up, and changes the formula a little.
Yeah even tho I'm a fan of the CoD series I am probably going to rent this first before I bought it. The main things I want to see improved is the spawn system. That is the main thing I disliked about 4 and WaW. But since it is Infinity Ward it probably will be better
They better keep **** simple. I don't want to be doing 100 things at once while playing a ****ing videogames. Gears of War 2 players would know what i'm talking about. Having to hold the RB button to shoot then pressing B to chainsaw then clicking to run then clicking more buttons to glitch. I like to pick up my controller, and **** kids up. I just want a simple, playable game.
My friends r so excited for this game, but after WaW and **** Zombies im more interested in seeing if they have some sort of minigame like that (maybe Terror Zombies) but my brother will most likely get it since he liked CoD4 better than WaW so either way i'll have both, WaW and CoD:MW2 and i will be happeh faic.
I'm getting a little fed up with the CoD franchise. Other than minor changes to the weapons and different settings, the CoD gameplay has remained nearly unchanged since CoD2 (I'm just saying #2, because I never played #1). I would really like it if Activision, as well as other game developers would stop making the same games with minor tweaks and started releasing new IP's and integrating new, interesting things. I'm getting bored of playing the same games, I want something new.
What major flaws in CoD4? I'm definitely going to get this one. I hope it has another mini-game like **** Zombies!
The question on my mind is how long they can make 'modern' shooters in the CoD series before it gets old like WWII (granted a lot of other series made us despise WWII in shooters). In regards to a mini game, I could kinda care less as long as they make the multiplayer even more amazing since the last one.
The gameplay changed drastically with CoD 3. It was a lot more slow paced and it had vehicles like jeeps in it. Which made it suck. And CoD2 was slow paced too because you couldn't sprint.
All I have to say is: What the hell? Before it went Cod 1, 2, 3, 4: MW, Now it goes WaW and COD MW2. Seriously, I think that Cod 4 will be the last of the Call of Duty name. Anways, I can't say too much but if its going to be the next Modern Warfare, that means I can use an M4 again
Sprinting, at least imo, didn't change the gameplay up very much. And, like you said, things live vehicles did change the gameplay in CoD3 and WaW, but it completely sucked ass. That's why I think they need to start a new IP and maybe integrate some of those things differently.
Tired of call of duty make like future warfare and then be done with it. Making something new already.
You're hopeful. Apparently you don't follow activision much. Activision dropped ghostbusters and Chronicals of Riddick but they aren't "exploitable every year". All Activision wants to do is remake the same game with new polish every single year, and have people blow good money on it. This used to be EA's strategy, and they changed. Activision came rushing in with a Guitar Hero every six months, and a CoD every year.
That's the thing I hate about game companies, they're always trying to milk money from everyone. Examples would be the Moto GP, FIFA, PES, Pro Evo and in my opinion, the Activision Series of CoD.