I love the articles AZN. You are my Forging Sensei... I only have one question...er.. observation(?), though. You said that: On Gridlocked, some players (including myself) would rather take the long way around because it offers good cover and a variety of weapons. I think that weapons can also effect path "manipulation" in objective games. Just an observation but I would like to hear your opinion on this.
This is really good AZN.I don't get some of it though. I really want to see your take on spawns now. Oh and thanks for letting me know you put this up. Keep up the good work!
Amazing write up, i read the whole thing. Most of it was insightful, but I consider paths all the time when planning out maps. I may only have 1 map out, but there's around 15 blue prints stacked up in a graph paper pile just waiting to be forged. The really interesting aspect was the risk/reward. I've considered it, but never in such an in depth way. The most intriguing part was the false hope section, it makes me want to go back and look at some of my sketches and see where I can implement these concepts. I wanted to know what you thought of an idea I have drawn up on a map called "Edifice". The attackers spawn in a building next to a garage with a Ghost in it. The catch is that it's switch operated and the switch is in the building the Defenders spawn in. Kind of a serious risk/reward type situation where you really have to evaluate your team's situation.
Once again...amazing...I cant wait to see your spawn one. I was always amazed with your ability with spawns. The one map I remember is that swat one...(the name slips my mind right now). The spawns were always perfect. These should be a mandatory read for all newbies and even those who are more experienced can learn a lot.
I know exactly what you mean Blue Pariot... that's exactly what my next article is about... Detours/Incentives... weapons being your main incentives... I appreciate all of your comments. I can't wait to get to the spawns as well, but I must cover incentives first... it is VERY important for spawns... after helping Insane with his map, I'm sure I can put alot of it into words that people can understand. And that map scardy is Training Ground, the one that was the first to win Best Slayer map in Best of Forge... For your idea... it's an interesting concept, but you have to give the impression that the ghost will win you the match all out... it's all about that false hope sense. Give the impression that the ghost would be amazing... have less cover in crucial parts, have alot of flat ground, make the opponents less maneuverable, introduce things like bubble shields (where vehicles can go in), etc... it also depends on the amount of risk you must put into getting the ghost... finding a good balance takes practice...
Finally read the whole thing, great read. The last part actually reminded me a lot about: that piece from the quake level design guide, an extremely important concept when making a functional map.
It's really good, though I think it might be a good idea to have more examples from featured maps or something.
That's what the recap is for... You have to teach with simplicity first... then you can explain the complex stuff...
Azn my ears are still bleeding. Interesting stuff you have here. I'm looking forward to what you have to say in your next article. Granted TG members could benefit from these theories. However I want to review what you have to say further.
I just wish your connection was as good as yur articles AZN. AMIRITE? Anywho, once again. You penetrated my heart with your spear of lulz. Lulz of happiness that is. This article is probably your best. EVUUURRRRRR. Very precise and always exactly to the point. So there you go, I commented. Have a great day AZN. Now lets go test Aaron's map.
The answer to your question is yes... it is supposed to show that you should have multiple paths between meeting areas... I knew I forgot to mention something... But I will definitely make that into a snippet in the recap...
I disagree with this portion of the theory. Given the exact photo you used, I would likely have taken the stairs, with the knowledge they give me high ground on my opponents. Given the box path is unknown, I know I'm likely to be engaging an opponent at any given moment, and stairs that lead up lead to a guarenteed advantage, high ground, The stairs is an obviously better choice.
Sssshhh... that wasn't supposed to be there... lol. But I would not have taken the stairs over the double box if it was safe... that's just me. The end of the stairs is a longer distance to where you are going, which is the other side of that wall. But yeah, that's all about personal preference... go catch though... I'm glad people are actually reading into it and not just gazing over it... lol. My apologies... if I had meant it to be an option I would have said something about it... I kinda forgot it was there...
Ah ha! So this is the article you told me to read in that customs lobby! lol Anyways, great article, very specific and helpful even though it is dense. Time to put more objectives on my map!
These articles are amazing. They really helped with the map that i have in the works. Why havent these been stickyed yet?