I really liked how Capcom decided to stray away from the super serious Resident Zombies and into more a more fun sandbox game. Dr 2 will be great but personally I didn't mind the controls. And A casino is a great place. I was thinking it would be in an Airport maybe. An entire city would be the best scenario like if they used the engine for that new game Fuel where you can freely drive across all of north america. If they took that tech and used it for DR you would have the ultimate Zombie game. Going in houses in an entire city and bieng able to barricade with furniture. Especially with Co-op bieng able to lift heavier objects like couches. But really emphasizing teamwork like on team mate could drag the couch but two could carry it nice and fast. That would be a very cool aspect.
Agreed. The first game was a really good looking, fun playing game, it was just hard to manipulate your character and the world around you. I'm hoping that they fix all of the first game's issues up, before shipping it out this time though.
i loved DR i am going to buy as soon as i can i promise everyone i will be the first in uk to get it P.S I LOVE ZOMBIE PWNAGE
no you won't I will be. - DRiSCOLL for first uk player Good news, my dead rising has started up again and I'm carrying on where I left off. You think after completing it numerous of times it would get repetitive, well thats not the case with Dead rising. My most proud Dead rising achievement are Zombie geonocider, defeat 53,594 zombies. Another proud achievement of mine is level max, being that big 50 feels good, too bad theres no more upgrades. Sorry, i just felt I would throw that in there. I can't wait for Dead rising two, after bringing Dead rising back from the dead (see what I did there) I noticed some improvements that could be aded, first is, to role you need to tap forward twice on the analogue stick, this is tedious and awkward. Theres more but I don't want to spoil an already great game. For any mediocre players out there, If you want the full feeling of the original Dead rising, do not equip the mega plasta, as a lot of you know capcom are the creators of the infamous mega-man. They placed the whole suit into the game, to hold the all mighty plasta(the real one, not the fake that shoots tennis balls) you need the zombie genocider achievement. Using this weapon makes the game really easy, by all means use it for achievements or if your in desperate measures. I wonder if #2 has the inner park that #1 has, It was great for a shortcut, but came with tons of zombies and the annoying convicts. They will drive around constantly shooting you. Co-op, needs jump in, jump out co-op. What I'm really curious about is that is there some sort of reward or advantage if you own the previous/completed it/ or obtained level 50? On the topic of photography, taking photos were a great way of earning pp, not the fasted but helped when you achiev a big score. It set the story, why you went in by helicopter, why your going in etc. I guess the only way to know if thats the idea they went with is to play the game or wait till further information. 7 years you say? Well i hope they tell us what happened to frank, maybe sneak him in as a zombie, Well straight away answers are solved, in the game Spoiler Isabella tells frank that carlito infected 50 children all around the country and used a "cure", frank says that there could of spread all over the country by now Like I said in my other very long post, I can't wait for this game and I will buy on day release. I hope someone on there production team come across my posts and get the hint *cough* Co-op *cough*