this looks very interesting... will download to see how it works.... I think its actually a rather clever idea, if you ask me.
Well it looks like you took my advice and made it bigger.This one is way better.I like the Teleporter idea.Good job.I would critisize this but there is nothing bad about it.5/5
the only problem i have with this map is that there is no visible interlocking and it looks a bit sloppy, otherwise its a good map and a good idea 3.5/5
What if the teams pick different teleporters can they still kill one another? Also it looks like you can shoot people from the spectator's box.
Its fun, but there good be work, Interlock the side surrounding the arena, for better looks, and the only problem in gameplayy could be, are there any blindspots? like places on the sides, wehre you could stand, and not get hit? andd if theres an asshole in the party, who doesnt co-operate, he might kill every1 before they can even go through the teleporters, might need to think of a way to fix that, although the teleporter idea is unique. Good job overall. 4.5/5
It's a great Idea but the map itself looks sloppy. With a little work you could make this into something great. Its almost like sniping but better. Still, I dont get how the shots would be affected by wether or not you can see the person because you're shooting at random anyways.
Reply to NYYanks33: Thanks! Reply to Tyberiousfusion: You're right, there is no VISIBLE interlocking, but, there is interlocking at that. If you DL the map and go into the chambers, you'll see it... Reply to Morphine: No, if the enemy goes into the other chamber (eg. You're in luck and he's in skill) You can't touch each other. And no, you cant Kill people when you're in the spectator box... if you use the gametype, you'll step through the teleporter and get hit with a custom powerup that will stop you from being able to hurt anyone. Reply to Triple08: No, no blindspots. And, There is a door blocking the two sides of the back hallways... One side is attackers, the other is Defenders. you can't kill each other before you get in the chambers. Reply to Silent oo death: Shots can be affected by weather or not you see the person ALOT! For instance, in the luck chamber you just shoot, period. In the skill chamber, you get to see your opponents, so you can get a general idea of where they are. Thanks! -stickmanmeyhem
i do think that this idea was better than the other one, i was thinking of how you could make it bigger, but i didnt know if shots could bounce like that... the only thing is to neaten up the arena a little...this game could be fun for a while!
The only problem is that sniper bullets only refract at most a 45 degree angle. Any higher, and it would impact into the surface. What if a guy stands really close to the wall? That would create a blind spot, as Triple08 stated before.
This map is ok but it has already been posted before. About 3 months ago called richotate. Sorry about spelling. It involved interloxing and geomerging. Just thought I would tell you. Still have the other map so won't download this.
I think some walls could be straightened and interlocked better for good aesthetics and smoothness. I remember your first version and I have to say this one looks a LOT better. Great job on expanding your idea into difficulty settings. definitely a 4/5
looks like you took my advice, nice job making it a two chamber so you get luck or skill, great! looks fun but still could be improved a but, my friends was great but he is amazing but this is very close!! aslo you could make a roof if you would like to that would help in my opinion nice ill dl!! 5/5 on the improvment to v2 EDIT: wait i ussually dont read picture captions and know i see u took the roof off to help
I understand your thinking, but the only way you can't be hit by a bouncing bullet is if you are literally hugging the separating wall, but then if the enemy crouches down, he/she can see your feet and kill you like that...
nice idea but i dont see how it works do u just bounce off walls or some thing do u have a game type ?? looks cool i might D/L to check it out by the way i now know u have a game type didnt see it before nice job is it just random shooting?? or can u kinda see the emeny 3/5 nice idea