Project X

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by chrstphrbrnnn, Feb 8, 2009.


What do you think of this map?

  1. Not my style

  2. Okay

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    No offence, but really? This map gets featured? Are you out of your mind?

    That map isn't bad don't get on me for that. But there are some way better maps around here. It doesn't even seem fun at all to play...
  2. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Didn't this get featured already? Im sure it was. Anyway, its a great map. I've DL'ed it a while back. I had great fun playing on it.
  3. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    You are basing you opinion solely on images. Play it, then judge.
  4. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Some way better maps with epic geomerges and crazy interlocks, plus an amazing center piece. Those same maps play like **** :)
  5. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I hope my mapzorz doesn't end up like that.
  6. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    Simple layout executed perfectly. This should have had a feature long ago. Congrats on the feature guys.
  7. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    We're not out of our minds... if anything, we're fully in our minds.

    Project X is just as good as those "better" maps than you speak of. It's just old. If you think it's not fun, then oh well. But say that after you play it. --Oh, and for those better maps you speak of, we've played on them, and they don't seem that amazing to us... like chrst said, they just have very well done interlocking and geomerging... and no matter how good it is, they only affect gameplay by a little. (I'd say 10% at most)

    Oh, and I agree on the fact that this should've been featured ages ago... but hey, time shouldn't be a factor 'mrite? As long as it gets its feature, it's fine enough.
  8. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    The more I think about it the more I feel this deserves a feature. It really shows that interlocking can be thrown in for aesthenics, but gameplay needs to come first. This map only works with absolute necessities, making gameplay it's main objective. Glad you guys featured it.
  9. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Very nice map,I remember playing this a while back and I am really glad it finally got reconized and got featured,great map,jusst keep it up guys
  10. Painkiller

    Painkiller Ancient
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    This map is so good, I especially love the mancannon innovation. This map is one of the better maps I see, and you are one h*ll of a forger!
  11. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    Now, as much as i love the ABCcrews maps, X was definitly not my favorite. I downloaded it when it was first post some few months ago and it doesnt seem very original. However Gemeplay was somewhat decent, but i think that Project Z and S(i think thats the name) were much, much better.m X was a dissapointment to me sorry guys.

    Congrats however on the Feature though Tex and Viper :)
  12. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    What has forgehub become? I mean yeah, the creators of this map are pretty well-known. But if some other kid made this map, everyone here knows it wouldn't be featured. I took a 4 month break, I come back, and this stuff is continuing to happen. My friends have shown me some pretty fun maps that they had posted on forgehub, ones that they spent months on. So is the feature just not well thought out? Or do you guys just care about features that much?
    Posers reading this post don't suck up and reply negative.
    Here's your feed: Great job guys!!! LOVE THE MAP, awesome, I LOVE YOU.
    Honestly, now that I took a break from this website I started realizing this type of stuff. Should the people that have less experience with gameplay be the ones to judge and feature maps that are generally awarded with gameplay?

    As far as I know, what HALO 3 "Gameplay" is supposed to be is:
    1. Setting up in different positions.
    2. Getting headshots? - idk wtf?

    But really, this map isn't the best looking map, and sorry but I couldn't set up on it for my life! I admire your work tex and shadow, or whoever made this. But shouldn't the features be more focused on maps that people with honest opinions can all agree on/ vote on?
    How about features go by popular vote?

    Who are you to say the maps play like **** though? What's real gameplay? I'm in MLG Meadowlands 09, Dr. Pepper 09 $5000, and ELKC 40. EVEN BUNGIE SAID IT, MLG is the TRUE test of skill.
    So my main contention; are you in MLG 09? Or are you a 50 in team doubles?

    Gameplay is NOT a matter of opinion, if gameplay was running around with needlers, then people would get paid to do that. Also contradiction, amazing centerpiece = cover shadow on all four corners of map. Wouldn't that positively contribute to gameplay?

    EDIT: The 50 in team doubles is a bad thing, just btw. Not saying that having a 50 in dubs is pro.
    #32 TNF, Feb 10, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2009
  13. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Woah, TNF... shocking to see you around... anywho... even if some nub forge made a map like this we would feature it. We don't feature maps based on who makes it, but on how well it's forged and played. MLG isn't the only gametype. This isn't a MLG map so it wont play good for MLG. I think that's a given. It plays really well for the games that it's set up to play for... as any map should be. I seriously am surprised that you would think this of the staff. We spend a lengthy time talking over which maps should or shouldn't be featured. --but anywho I'm way too tired to even start debates now, so I wont bother... night.

    Oh, and chrst has a great understanding on how maps should work, flow, and play... so in some way he can easily say a map plays like ****.
  14. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Wow TNF you are so totally wrong about my views on gameplay it's not even funny.

    First things first: This map does play well, and always has. It's a testament against those who believe interlocking and geomerging are 100% necessary. Granted I use both in almost every instance, but that's beside the point.

    Second: That's wonderful, I'm very glad you are talented in MLG. Do I care? Not a bit. Does it make you better than anyone else, or more important? Not a bit. Halo 3 is not designed to be MLG only. I have no issues with MLG, I enjoy MLG, but competitive Halo3 and MLG are two whole different beasts. You may know a thing or two about how gameplay should flow sometimes and in some maps, but if you didn't notice, not all of bungies default maps are played in MLG. Does that mean that they should be removed from Halo? Does that mean they aren't competitive. Not in the god damn slightest.

    Third: Thank you vorpal, and yes as vorpal said I know thing or two about how maps should work. Apparently you misunderstood my comment, seeing as things like needlers are exactly what I don't want to see piled around your inappropriate use of items on a center structure the proves the usefulness of two double boxes and has 20 jumps up to a pointless platform really long run on sentence.

    It's interesting that your post nearly agreed with all my views, with the exception of your over-love for MLG. Is project X my favorite map? No. Did it deserve a feature? Yeah or it wouldn't be there.

    Oh and if your friends have great maps, feel free to recommend them here.
  15. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    Lol! Are you making a reference to Sapphire? Because you just described every detail of it.

  16. sSalvation

    sSalvation Ancient
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    I've never heard of this map, most likely because i'm fairly new to this site. I'll download this and see how i like it.
  17. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Epic lulz...

    Everything you mentioned is typical of an MLG map, MLG may be the true test of skill, or the most competitive style of play, but that does not mean it is fun... good gameplay=fun gameplay, something that makes you want to play it over and over you get that with this map... where is the problem?
  18. iTz HLG nOob

    iTz HLG nOob Ancient
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    Nice Designz, Project X RULES!!!!!!
  19. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Lol, the map was originaly posted on Forgehub on my birthday of '08 :p /offtopic

    Unsuspected feature = win. I think this is one of those maps that will hopefully inspire others to finally look at there maps and say "will my structures placed on the map help it play good?" because this maps structure placement is nearly perfect. A great example of Gameplay > Aesthetics, which a lot of people need to realize while map making. Loved it the minute I played it for the first time that one fateful day, congrats Shad0w and Tex!
  20. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    For the record, there were no cahoots to be had in this being featured.

    I didn't even realize it was featured til shad0w randomly messaged me, saying go look at the front page.

    I greatly appreciate the Staff's decision to resurrect this map, as imho, this was my favorite build. Probably because it's our first. Either way, your accusations are bold, and go unappreciated. Simply because I was on the Staff and is Shad0w, that has nothing to do with this maps feature. It'd be nice to see some relative shutting the **** up amongst the general Halo community, but that'd never happen.

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