Call of Duty: World at War Gets First DLC Set of four maps coming in March. by Nate Ahearn February 10, 2009 - Activision and Treyarch announced today that Call of Duty: World at War (which is still the most popular game on Xbox Live) will get its first dose of downloadable content in the form of four new maps to be made available sometime in March for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. No price point has been announced. Map Pack 1 will include three new maps to the standard competitive multiplayer modes. The first, Nightfire, pits players in the streets of WWII Berlin; Knee Deep presents fortified Japanese installations to be destroyed; and Station is the remnants of a subway system ravaged by the war. The fourth map is an add-on to everyone's favorite **** Zombie mode called Verrückt (Moves in English) where combatants will find new weapons, new "Perks-a-Cola," and electroshock defenses to help thwart the endless horde of brain munchers. Source: IGN Advertisement I believe that this is the map Nightfire. Its night and there is fire.
Holy **** yes! Personnally i dont care about the new competitive maps(except for Subway, its based of one of my fav campaign missions) im lookin foward for new **** Zombie Stuff. **** Zombies FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!!!!!one one one shift one!
Yeah, I don't really care about the MO maps. This on the other hand, is very cool, wish i could buy it on its own.
All I play on CoD5 is **** Zombies... so yay? I dunno... I haven't played my 360 in a while... too busy with work and stuff...
I really want the new **** Zombies map, but if this is going to cost like 800MS, then it's not worth it. The new maps will be just as unpopular as the map pack for CoD4 was.
Finally! Just when I was about to sell the damn game. Really though I will only play the **** Zombies. That's really the only thing I care about. But who knows maybe the new maps will be good.
Even though I don't like the Call of Duty games, I find it disappointing that Call of Duty announces Downloadable content, and it gets put into effect after only one month. While Bungie/Halo announces Downloadable content then makes its gamers/fans/players wait month after month after month.
I agree with alot off the people before me, I don't really care about the new maps, I just want the **** Zombie stuff. I didn't really like CoD5's multiplayer anyway.
Yeah same here. I don't like WaW's multiplayer, I like CoD 4 multiplayer better. The new **** Zombie thing sounds cool and from the picture it looks awesome too.
Haha, I'm sure bungie's will be better but you can't say Cod5's dlc will be bad. We haven't even gotten to play on it yet.
You gotta point there, I agree with you. But I couldn't say that Call of Duty's is bad because I don't play it.
It about time they come out with a DLC. Like everybody said I only want it for the new **** Zombie map to come out. I wonder what it will have and what the map will look like. And, what is this talking about perks for **** Zombies?
I guess you buy perks. Like a random perk box probably Commander. Or for a higher price you can choose what you exactly want. 10000 for stopping power perhaps? A rip off indeed.
From what I have heard and been told, it is going to cost 1500 MS points which is about $15. I hope that GB doesn't use the maps right away.
Im pretty sure it will be 800 microsoft points. 1500 is more then an xbox original so I highly doubt it.