Empire v1 Weapons BR: 5 Carbine: 1 Needler: 1 SMG 1 Sniper Rifle: 1 Rockets 1 Equipment Frag: 3 Plasma: 2 Regen: 1 Description uses the latest forge technuiqes to make the map as clean and astetic as possible while hosting great asymetric gameplay. hosts slayer, CTF, King of the Hill, Oddball, Territories, assault. Tall collesium and mancannon lift bring you up to a big awesome tower. Asthetics Have fun playing! Empire v1
Surprisingly, Very interesting, especially for a new member, good post as well. I love the rocket and sniper spawns aethetics. You obviously know your geomerging and your interlocking very well. I really like the layout, and the nice aethetics put into it. Good job, 5/5 for me!
being a new member doesn't affect the way one builds maps. and it looks like u spent way to much time on things u didn't need to on. like the sniper rifle, i would have been happy with it just there. its up to u to decide if u want to spend 5 hours on one thing not me. overall. the aesthetics are cool, but id have to play it to see how good it actually is
You don't seem new! You have definitely mastered every forging technique, and as I can see from these picture... it is just amazing! You have made this map seem so large in scale! I saw the sniper room and I was like, wow... how did you get this in here!? But you did, and everything is crazy good. Like... wow... your a new member? The power weapon indicators are crazy good, the geomerged teleporters under the sniper and the boxes under the rocket launcher! I don't even have to play this map to rate it! But I will anyways, because it is truly amazing! 5/5 for now, because the greatness has really caught my eye!
I meant like, for a new member, its a good start, and a good post, for such a new member. And that little effects he added, like for the sniper rifle, is what shows his time and effort for the map, and it deffinetly increases the visual appel of the map. Congratz.
this looks somewhat original. The asthetics are nice and the gameplay looks like it plays well. The only complaint is that it might be a little to open for my liking around the main part of foundry, but i may be completly wrong. Anyways ima dload and see it looks very nice and clean. if i had to give a rating(which i dont do much) id give it about 4.3/5
yeah this guy basically took the words right out from my mouth..I was like..wtf this is..unimaginable (as in good) 5/5 and a dl, and I only dl maps that are actually epic win..but nobody typically cares about my opinion, so..yeah great map
True. Anyways, onto the map. I think it's amazing. I like all the aesthetics, and how it's all perfect. Especially the sniper. That's one of the few aesthetics that caught my eye. I've already downloaded it, and awaiting to play later. But for now, 5/5.
*gasp* Wow this is awesome good job keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to your next maps. Great use of the area, interlocking and geomerging. This shows how much pride you take in making your maps which congradulates yourself just on that. Well done, and the amount of detail put in creates such a strong appeal which deserves 5/5 all the way. Well done!
VERY good work. Most people's first post suck fat turds, but this, omfg! Way to go. The geo-merging in this map is amazing to say, ecspecially the teles in the sniper room(LOL you spelled it Siper on the picture) and the rockets with the sign underneath! If you look you can see the little rope thing that is on foundry beneath! Great work. 5/5
hey I remember testing this. I killed myself with the sniper when I was shooting the teleporters. It actually looks like one of the pictures is of me throwing a grenade at it. Anyway, It was a fun map. Has some nice trick jumps but i mainly came in here to say YOU BLOCKED OFF MY LITTLE ROOM. YOU KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.
WOW Ummm... This looks amazing. The Merging is FANTASTIC, like OMG how'd you merge those things!!!!!!one!!!!1!!! I do have one suggestion though, on the 5th picture down. THe wall doubles should be merged into the open boxes. Anyway heres the rating: Forging- 8.5/5 Aesthtics- 5/5 Weapons/Placement- 3/5 Gameplay- ??? sure looks good-though may be a bit open OVERALL- 6.12347190235710/5 (thats real, JK) THis is truly the EPIC AWeSomE-Sauce. Great Map.
this is my first account but i am not a new member and this is definatley not my first post. i started posting on LGnation.com so i do have a good idea of how to post but thanks. i made most of this map around spring break but than i starten new ones and never finished it. i actually had tis one done last week but i was to lazy to post it and i just updated the span areas for FFA. i will admi that gameplay as a little laggy because the budget glitch is pushed so far to the max that parts of the map were deleting themselves as i was making it. also beware of the lag spot at sniper spawn. if it laggs just keep with it because it seemed to get better over time as i was testing it. once again have funn plawing and enjoy the map.
hey this map is really fun to play on and has great interlocking and aesthetics,i love the weapon placement on this map,and it has great gameplay,awesome map
Isn't spending alot of time and putting alot of hard work into a map what it's all about here? I get what your saying, that it would of still been epic without all the asthetics, but they are what makes this map so appealing! But anyways, GREAT map, GREAT forging, and GREAT originality. One more thing though, this is going to drive me crazy trying to figure out what the silver outline around the rocket spawn is because I cant get on my X-box atm, so if anyone could send me a message, it'd be appreciated.
it is an a/b signe if u ever have the first paragon map. not the paragon mm than u can pull it out os the box by flag spawn and see it.
This has some of the best aesthetics I have ever seen. I don't know how you did half of them on here. I can't see any flaws in the geomerging and interlocking, but I'll have to download to see how gameplay runs. I'm hoping it's good, and probably will be, but can never be too sure. 5/5
This map is absolutely amazing good sir. The sniper room/colliseum is epic, and the teleporters in the ground make it all the better. Plus the lift is one of the most unique ones i've seen in a while. A great blend of Forging techniques all around. You have my download.
Great map man. i really like the layout and the geomerging is amazing. great job, and if you ever want to forge, my gamer-tag is Mich master 32.