Lol that's really well done some are pretty basic and you can already do on foundry, but it's still pretty funny imo
Lulz at the snowman! Never thought of putting a capture point inside of one though... that would be very funny to use on my friends!
I wonder if you could put a teleporter inside of one and as soon as you run in you die, but you put the "plant the bomb" option to instant. If you could plant it before you die that would make for some awesome gameplay. Dibs.
remember to put it in the dibs thread lol this is just hilarious tho... i can't wait to do tons of stuff with the kill ball.
Killball Oddball. Oddball spawns inside the killball. Default oddball settings except teams/players score 1 point per kill (functions like normal slayer/team slayer). Killball KOTH. A Circular hill with a convenient killball in the middle of it. Good luck.
That would make for some pretty hectic rushing games of assault. lol. I'm gonna make a variant like in No.1 and watch my friends scream in anger as they can't stop respawning and dying. lulz.
wow, I love that! especially the King of Jerks. Hot potato is going to have to be tried, that would be an awesome forging game. Major props to whoever drew that...
#8: Make numerous "balls" jokes over them. "Dude, quit grabbing your (kill)balls." "*notices golf balls* There are entirely too many balls in this map." "You're grabbing my (kill)balls." My favorites were #2, #3 and #6.
Recon inside the death ball. LOL What else. You could chase someone with it. They'll be driving a vehicle and you could fly around chasing them with it. LOL again! Wait, does the killball kill monitors too?
haha, this has to be one of the most epic threads I have seen in a long while. Good job. I think you shall be rewarded with!!!>.... a cookie
this will be even greater for me since my lil brother doesnt know what a kill ball is so i could make a random gametype get my bro to "Help Test" and boom, instakill! lol, those r great ideas, to tease freinds espeacially ones that r stupid.
of course not, its an object. ive got to try these out when i get it man, these are awesome! i like the ideas for KotH and assault. imagine playin KotH and there are 4 moving hills. these hills move so they are perfectly surrounding the killball. not entirely in it though, just the center and some of the inside. then they could have like ppl BR strafing to protect themselves and suddenly...BOOM! they disintegrate in the killball, leaving the hill to thier enemy...
What would actually be better than a stationary killball, is if we had it as an equipment item. think of the utility it could be in a tight spot, especially on team objective stuff.
I actually doubt we'll be able to place objects inside the balls. The objects'll probably just disappear like they do when you place them beyond death barriers on other maps.
I just love No. 6 on the list... What could be more funnier then putting all of the power weapons possible in the kill ball and watch as everyone try to get the weapons? I also like how he put Recon in the kill ball even though it's not possible it's still really funny. lol.
That was what the original power drain was supposed to be. Bungie changed it because of balance issues. Anyway, How much you guys think this will help with mini games? I can sit down and think of half a million ideas off the top of my head (a few of them might be good lol) using these kill balls. Also, I swear I'm going to be the first to make a great map with a kill ball snowman in it somewhere.
i have to think of something funny to do with a killball... lol. I got it. use a killball and stick it part of the way through a wall. People will go up to it perhaps thinking it was just an overshield, but as soon as they touch it they die lols.