I think that we should maybe have a list of the maps and all the objects available on the map. I think it would help forgers pick out a map easier then just picking foundry. If no one does take this suggestion I will make one.
Unnecessary really. There is a Non Foundry tag in the Competitive Maps section and it's up to the map designer as to what details they should and shouldn't put in their post. I don't see how your idea would work anyway.
I mean like there should be a list of the available objects for each map so they know what object are on each map.
Still unnecessary. I don't really care how many double boxes it took to make Xyience or how many walls there are in Moon Waffle. I don't know about anyone else...
I'm starting to understand what you're getting at, I think. This sounds like something that would edit Halo 3. Where would said list be put?
Yeah, there really is no need for this thread here ... i'm moving this to Halo Forge Discussion. Maybe the peeps over there can help.
You can try using were midgets guide which has each one. I would say that there is no reason for this since most people can easily make a map by just going into forge. I will make and post one of these in a short while so no worries.