I would just like to start off by saying that I am not flaming this map, I'm giving my honest review. This is really going to sound mean, but I'm not gonna beat around the bush. I had very little fun on this map. The jumps all had hard landings, resulting in a loss of momentum and control. I only landed the jet stream once. The other times I was flipping and slamming into the walls and floors, and had to flipstart my goose, and one time I got caught between the wall and the shield door, so I had to trek back to start on foot. And the first 5 laps I didn't even hit the checkpoint. Since the track has a bump/ramp directly before the checkpoint, I just ramped over it. I finally had to slow down so I didn't catch any air to get the point. Bottom line is, if you are going to make a shorter track with jumps, you had better make it smooth and make so it flows well, and although this track is relatively smooth, since you come to a dead stop at least two times per lap, there is little to no flow. I'm sorry if that was harsh, but no one was saying what needed to be said (prolly cuz no one downloads maps anymore, they judge things straight from the pics, or just make up bullshit comments to get ranks).
Nice. I find it to be rather short, but it is very well constructed. I love all the turns because it brings some new things in racetracks. In the first pic, you could have merged the wall a little bit more to the ground, but I guess that's okay knowing that the one crossing is a mongoose. Very good job on this, I see a chance of having your first featured map.
The track is not bad untill you get to "the last turn". In my opinion you should go back and remake just that turn and tweak a couple of things. The rest of the track, like I said, is not bad but it could be a bit better. AnF Pro Score 4/5
Featured? Im not putting down this track or anything dude but to get featured a track has to be amazingly good, and in my mind this track is only a little bit over average. Anyways im not saying the track is bad, just not worthy of a feature. Sorry if that came off wrong.
Yeah the fact that it is a racetrack allows for a little freedom like that. I did my homework before making this map! Thanks for the reveiw, I like hearing from people who have actually played the map but the entire idea of this map is to allow for crashes unless you pick your spots. I had a lot of testing done on this map and at first even I had a bit of a hard time hitting all the turns. It takes practice. You have to hit the cannons at the right spot and at the right speed. After people during testing figured that out and i gad people whipping through the track. I actually did not like that. The entire idea i had while making this track was to allow the guy in last place a chance to catch-up. The guy who takes his time to figure oout the turns while people like you are whipping through it, crashing every two seconds. The dead stops are the little windows of opportunity that i gave the other players to pass up the first place guy. As for the finish line I can take a look at that but I ran through it and hit it everytime so... I can't fix that which I don't see. I took a look and I see the wall is asque and i can fix the boxes as well thanks and I'll fix and release an updated version No its completely fine. I did not expect this map to get featured. I wanted to make a map for my own purpose of playing Battletracks and battle snipers is actually a lot of fun. So as long as I have a map that my friends can play on and I like, I'm fine. I do like having a map that you guys can have fun on too. It is sort of like Bungie. They make all of these maps for you guys to play on and you grill them on how much they suck. They make them not only because it is there job, but for you guys and for your enjoyment. I never expect to have a front pager. I want to give you guys something to do on those Friday nights after you get back from the movies, besides masturbate...
This is great for your first racing map. The interlocking is very advanced. It is very smooth. I like the Grav lifts the way they are always working. I also like the shield door assisted turns. Great map altogether. Great for you first racing map.
xSharpshooter94 you took all those comments people gave you and agreed with them all, for that I tip my hat to you. You have great class and great style. Thank you and your class and style will get you far in life.
THanks ...I think. All those for your first maps in therer make me wonder Thank you for the compliment, it means a lot but I really do know my map isn't perfect and the things they pointed out can be fixed. I do hate it when people don't read the description though. I explain a lot in there and people just disregard it!
I think I just cried.. Ya that was his first attempt at a race map. I would really would like to see him build a race track that is completely smooth and that has great flow with no sharp turns. He has a amazing imagination, and he does have a future in forging if he continues.
It just seems too simple. Although im sure it is probably fast paced. Other racetracks though have more interesting structures. This one has a few but then after a while you just go onto the ground and just start making a turn. Could've been better. 3.6/5
Ok, I told you I was not going to post, but this looks like an excellent map Andrew. Your hard work and dedication really payed off here. One of my favorite things is the unique jumps. You have implemented ones from mancannons and shield doors and also merged walls. Overall a great looking map andrew.
Thanks for the compliments guys, I hear alot of people saying that it looks boring but you are overlooking two things. 1. I made a veiwing box, which is not found in many maps and you can have a crap load of fun watching people screw up or just watching the people to scared to race you. 2. This map uses the most un predictable of items to ever be concived in forge, the man cannon. Depending on how you go into them can effect the outcome of the enitire game. That keeps the entire party on there toes and more attentive towards the game and not towards the scenery. Maps that flow too well get boring, but if there is a little bit of randomness keeps it interesting. That's how a map should me made, IMO.
I don't like this map that much. The forging is done well the but whole track doesn't flow together well and the fall thingy kept flipping me like every time. I honestly couldn't see this map with like 6 or 8 people racing on it at a time. 2/5 for me. Also if you're just getting friends to post and rate 5/5 I hate it it is getting really annoying becuase this isn't a 4/5 if my 2 tracks are 2/5 and mine took alot of time and flow amazingly.
It's a decent racing map. When Sandbox comes out, gaps will be even more important because of the Sky Box. That could make some good racing maps there. Anyways, your map is pretty decent, I like the gaps and the viewing boxes, and it's simple too. Race maps are one of my favorites, and I like what you did with this one.
Did you read the discription of what this map wouyld be? please do so as i am tired of explaining. Furthurmore have you even played a game on the map yet, and you reveiw on how bullshit fun it would be? And FYI we 1. Don't give a **** about how good you think your maps are and they couldn't have flown that great if it was only a 2/5 as you yourself stated 2. My friends Knoiw this map as little as they can. I have more integrity than that, thank you. Thank you for the comment. all constructive criticism is taken into account.
Seriously yes I have played on this I've driven on it and had like 3 people race on it. Also my map is so much better look at it it's divine Chaos and Frostbite. They are soo much better that a 2/5 I mean really. Also I'm entitled to my opinions and I've pretty ticked right now becuase of all this crap that is going on...
I have no problem with your opinions but the fact that you are so pompus and proud of your maps when you have no real reason for it other than they flow better than mine. Don't spam my thread please. If you want to say hi just shoot him a VM. Also don't try to save yourself just by agreeing with him. either way its spam.
Good job Sharp. I tried the map once that one night when you showed it to me. I have not tired the finished version yet. Qued for DL. I am off work tomorrow and I will check it out. I will be hosting some BT games later in the evening if you want to join. I am really glad you have recenlty decided to make tracks. I am loving the fact that Battle Tracks has become so big in the last few months. Thanks again for your support and I will be looking forward to your next track. Stick with forging because I see great things to come. Good post and pics!
THanks Dream I do value your opinion for personal and obvious reasons and that means a lot. I hope you enjoy it and i alreadt got an idea for my next one!