sandbox, not sandtrap. Nyways, i could build it on foundry if a wanted to, there is gonna be a large item limit, it wont be too constricting. plus it doesn't have to be super huge.
dammit i made that typo again. lol. the names are too close. its gonna be as hard as learning how to write 2009 instead of 2008.
I'm willing to help make one on avalanche, I even have a plan for how it will be made. So if you want to pm me with info or, think of ideas, days we can make, that kind of thing I'll be happy to help.
he still has the better part of a month to deside dude. anyways, yours will have to be the skeletal remains on/ buried in the ground. dont worry, there will be a large item limit,
Yes, but you still have the limit on each item. And you also have the OLN to deal with. It would really be tough.
I'm thinking that there isn't much difference, but i like dragons better than T-rex. Besides, i can't make an anatomically correct t-rex so it doesn't matter if i call it either, but i'll just call it a dragon. EDIT: But, it makes sense that it would have to be buried partially in the ground. in fact, it may prove to play and look better that way. I do realize this, but even you can, the oln may still get in the way.
there will be infinite money glitch canvases that still have all default items, just merged inside of each other, out of the way somewhere. so you still have all of those items to use, that will count towards the oln anyways.
Hmm, its a neat idea though, Dragons have been made before, but rarely any of them have gametypes that are actually good playableness on, and the idea of making the remains of a dragon would be EPIC. With it like interlocked in the ground, and bits and pieces of it everywhere, wow by the way im imagining it, that would be pretty sweet. Hopefully it all turns out well,and is playable. PLEASE SPARKY, TELL ME WHEN YOU RELEASE THIS!!!
When this is all planned out and ready for many countless hours of forging, i will probably need help with the geomerging though. i will probably need someone who is pretty proficient with it. i can interlock, but i haven't developed the skill to geomerge yet lol. I have a feeling it will be pretty epic. Plus I have an entire month to plan it out, or more, so it should be pretty cut and dry by then...
See how far down that is? You really think you can make it from top to bottom with ANY amount of items? I doubt you could do it in a strait line with all the items on map. Spoiler
I'm not saying it has to be from top to bottom, just suspended between the two. but i guess that idea is a fail because that still is an incredible distance. But I guess im leaning towards the idea of the "bones" weaving in/out of the sand, with perhaps another dragon in the sky box.
That idea sounds alot more plausible. Make sure its playable though, Aesthetic maps are only awesome aslong as they have really good gameplay to back it up.
Exactly my point; I don't just want a good looking map. that's pointless. If i make a good playable map, then It'll actually be worth keeping in my hard drive. Which is exactly why its a good idea to plan every step of the way i can until i finally get the mythic map pack.
Please elaborate here. Are you talking about several rib cage like bones strewn about on avalanche or are you thinking of one large dragon bone structure. If you are doing the second I highly suggest waiting for sandbox as much of avalanches objects are to thick to replicate bones. Can I suggest you make this a battle tracks map. It would be epic. Imagine mid race sniper battle on the middle bone structure. I like your thinking and hope this turns out well for you. But hurry up avalanche maps are going to start losing their cool pretty soon.
Yes this does sound a lot like Ribcage, but on a much larger scale, with Racing. lol. As stated above,I would wait for sandbox, as it gives the "ancient dragon remains" a more ancient feel on a map with desert terrain, but that is just my opinion. This sounds like a really cool, and unique idea. I hope it all comes together for you.
I've decided entirely on using sandbox instead of avalanche. This way, i can actually make it more detailed and cooler, and it will probably work better with all the new features. I'm hoping to make it available for many types of gameplay. I think it will be dynamic enough to do so. But sandbox is definitely the best choice to do. Now I have ample time to plan.
Theres a featured map by the name Ire of Fire which is a playable dragon map map, if you mix it up with Ribcage aswell as your own style then it's sure to be a winner since they're both great and you could produce a great map out of it.