Took A While But I Finished The Level "Halo" CBWT!! (Co-Op Backwards Whole Time) Even In The Warthog!!! (Just Not On The BIG Jumps Because It Is IMPOSSIBLE To Pick Up Enough Speed To Go Off Them. Only Like 3 BIG Jumps Though) Check It Out Here!!
This sounds cool. Unfortunately, we can't see it right now and people don't want to dl it because that wastes time. Try to see if somebody could capture it.
Yea i can turn around to fight enemys.. because thats not really Going Forward. and I did it on easy bc my bro said normal was too hard lmao =O it has 48 dl's lol. jus put it on yesterday
I'm pretty sure the guy on Bungie Faves did it on a higher difficulty than Easy but neverless you still did it and for that I applaud you . I watched Tsavo Highway and to be honest, I got bored quite fast. If that was me I wouldn't even try to do The Ark backwards since that level is so damn long!