Yea Yes I think this is a great idea. I will ask my friends to participate and see what they think. But in the long run this seems really fun.
I think in that you should first start getting competitors. Then work it out from there. Also, can't you just get a Microsoft point card? Then just give them the numbers on the card. But I have a terrible connection sometimes and it's near impossible for me to work with anyone, unless they have an EXTREMELY good connection. Very nice idea and I hope the best for it.
Yeah, thats what this thread is about, to see who would actually want to participate in this contest. Thanksz for the support, and also, the problem with the microsoft cards is, the code that i would buy, would only work in my country CANADA, which means if an AMERICAN one, they would not be able to recieve the reward. I will see what i can do though.
Try not to double post (you just did above^) and yeah, if you can get a few teams to actually do it I'll help host it.
You can say that again. I've gotten into arguments about whether or not we should use two walls interlocked, or a double wall. I feel single walls are more valuable because they can be 1 or two pieces, while a double wall HAS to be 2. However, he said that the interlock would to be hard in it's position and wanted to use those walls in a different position anyway as flooring. I argued that two walls would create a bump that a double wall would not create, but he said stfu and I left the party. Lol.
Keep it on topic guys, i know that some map makers dont get along, but some do, and some wonderful creations have been made.
wha??? explain further, why shouldnt the best forgers be a part of a conest just because they are the best forgers???
Key example here being Felipe and myself. Without each other none of our big map projects would have ever been completed, and I have Felipe to thank for my Premium status for giving me credit on The Ire of Fire. How exactly do you plan to work this Sandbox contest? Seeing as there have been two tiers of Sandbox announced (sky bubble, default floor) and there could conceivably be a third cave-esque area beneath default Sandbox (I'm not trying to get hopes up though), will you be limiting the contest to one style of map or will you hold competitions for each one of them? Comparing a sky bubble map to a default level map would be like comparing apples to oranges in my opinion and wouldn't work out very well.
Me and triple are discussing this, we have established the basic jist of the contest, and still have a little more to plan. Sandbox might not be the main focus of the contest, but could be a part of it. The contest will be comprised like this: Auditions, with 10 winners chosen 1st round with 7 winners out of 10 2nd round with 5 winners out of 7 3rd round with 3 winners out of 5 4th round with 2 winners out of 3 5th round with the final winner out of 2 each round will have difference specifications, rules, etc. and for the time limit, It's going to be pretty quick for comfort. The goal is to make the best map you can in a span of 4 weeks. It's going to be tough. The maps might not be considered the best out of all of forgehub's maps, but just the best of the contest. Also, Crews will consist of 2-4 members.
I think there should be a contest realeased for whoever can make the best CTF or KOTH map in the skybubble
um, have you read anything before this post? That is the point of this thread, to discuss anything that has already been said
Contest has already started, you missed it. You can still compete in the contest if you wish to but this thread is kind of pointless now. :lock:?