Jet Stream

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by xSharpshooter94, Feb 9, 2009.


What do you think of the map

  1. Needs Moar Interlocking

    2 vote(s)
  2. Needs Moar Geomarging

    0 vote(s)
  3. Meh...

    8 vote(s)
  4. Do a barrel Roll!

    5 vote(s)
  5. OMG HAX!

    5 vote(s)
  1. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    SharpPlayaProductions Presents…

    By xSharpshooter94


    Jet Stream is the first race map I have ever made that uses advanced forge techniques that are used in maps such as Quasar(by x Dream76 x) and Meltdown (by oOSlikOo). I used curved turns and shield doors to make a map that looks great and uses a couple of man cannon machines that actually run smoothly… most of the time. Even though I use all of these techniques, I have never been one to do things in a conventional nature. Most tracks use the afore mentioned techniques to create a map that is not quite easy to maneuver through. You need to be quick and efficient in your driving to be successful here. The reason I did this is because you need to be able to give the other players a chance, not whoever gets out first wins. The potential for crashes is gets bigger as you make your way around the track, So, move quick, move fast, but above all, make those turns. I actually made this map compatible with the racing and BattleTracks gametypes. I did this because after I played a few games of it with Dream. I found how fun the game is. It combines your need for speed, with your urge to shoot at someone, in one awesome, action-packed gametype. I will provide a Link to all gametypes below.


    The big first turn

    The Spawn

    A Better View of the First Turn, at the end the man cannons put you onto turn two

    The second turn and third turn, gap jump included

    The gap and the Jet Stream Drop Down

    The bottom of the Jet Stream

    The Final turn

    The Famous Finish line

    The Leap of Faith

    You may notice the guy in the box, there is a system of viewing boxes, for those lazy bums, just use the teleporter between the dumpsters at the spawn

    The Road can get a bit crowded… Roadkill!

    Clutch snipe before the jump

    I won my own game…wow.


    Battle Tracks
    Battle Br’s
    Battle Snipes
    Battle Lazers
    Battle Joust
    Battle MOB

    I would like to convey a special thanks to:
    • Dream, for his opinion on my map.
    • All my testers, you guys were great.
    • And my partner, eguitarplaya33, for the GFX and the time sitting with me while I forge
    #1 xSharpshooter94, Feb 9, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2009
  2. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    i'm not one for racing maps, but i really like how you implemented a lot of grav-lifts, jumps, and sheild-door bouncing into your map, it looks like a lot of fun and it seems like it would take more skill than usual to race on your map. The jump entitled 'leap of faith' reminds me a lot of the big jump in wario stadium on mario kart 64, i will definitely download.
  3. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks awesome but i am curious to how the jet stream part works. It looks hard to land. I do like the first jump where you bounce off the shield doors. Good forging too. 4.8/5
    EDIT* I can't find the DL link!!! Could someone point me too it if it exists (i see the gametypes not the map though)
  4. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Yeah i have the same problem I realized after I submitted my post.
  5. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    theres a link at the bottom and it says Download. Click the pic. Bad rhyming aside, the jet stream has a sheild door that makes the landing a bit smoother but the whole idea of that was to mess the guy up that goes to hastily into it.
  6. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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    Good Work on this map Sharp.
    Can't Wait to see it on BattleTracks !!!
    Though i will leave this comment before i download it.
    it seems as if some hills are not that smooth ( if you know what i mean. )
    i hope to see an improvement in your future racetracks ! = )
  7. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know what you mean but it rides smooth so who cares?
  8. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hmmmm.....This is a very well merged and interlocked map.I Like it.Just a tip,You might want to add some scenery.Go to Bl00d F1R3,s ForgeSchool on YouTube for teleporter writing.Overall pretty good map.Keep it up.
  9. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    dude I know how to forge... I have been here for a year. Thank you for the compliment on the map but please don't insult my forging skill, especial since i made many of my own forging tutorials including one on the afore mentioned technique. Thank you but please consider who your talking to.
  10. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow,this map is amazing,great interlocking,just a plain out awesome map,very fun to race on,keep it up there is nothing really to say about this map accept that its great
  11. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Uh wow I didn't know that this was posted a long time ago, I thought you still havn't even posted this yet. But what I really liked about this map is that people that are good at racing aren't the ones who usually finished first. I like how you make it up the ramp than make a sudden drop.

    I liked the interlocking with the walls, very smooth, overall the map was very fun to play on

  12. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys. just a few updates:

    New GFX on most of the pics ( thanks Alex)
    Download linked fix(my bad on the BB code)
  13. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hahaha I played on this yesterday or something before you added the last turn/ramp at the end. Fun map to play on and no scope though the mancannons were evil to me. Launching me into the ground and making me blow up you know...
  14. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think you are just unlucky. I went back and watched that and you are the only person to ever have that happen to them. It was effin hilarious. Thanks for the praise and I'm gland that my first racetrack was so well received.
  15. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty good, however i hate racing maps.
    If you want to race then go buy Nascar or some other game.
    The interlocking looks neat, same goes for geomerging.
    Also i suggest you change the pole, yours is like

    where as it should be more like

    Not too bad
    Seems decent
    I think its fine
    I really like it
    Its great
  16. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    It is If you dun know how to interlock your a noob(1 of 5)
    If you dun know how to geomerge you a bit less of a noob ( 2 of 5)
    Meh..., its alright (3 of 5)
    Do a barrel roll, it is awesomesauce (4 of 5)
    OMG HAX! ROFL THIS MAP IS HAX 5/5 Feature Now (5 of 5)

    Thanks and i hope that cleared it up Marcus.
  17. EGP

    EGP Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well then since not a lot of the maps here are modded *cough* none of them are *cough* I think all maps are going to recieve a 4/5 or below if you were to rank them lol

    But ya my favorite part of this whole map was the idea of the fall with the grav lifts. I liked that part a lot
  18. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I loved that part too. When I was making it I was trying to figure out a way to get from the third turn to the start and went. Wait... a free fall... OMG THAT'S AWESOME. lol.

    And don't get so literal you of all people should know what i mean...
  19. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    wow who wins there own game, you suck.........Nah just kiddin anyway it looks like a good racing map so good job on that, but for next time when yuo photoshop the pictures don't make them so incredibly dark. K thx bai.
  20. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    take the GFX stuff up with Alex(eguitar) he does that for me. THanks for the comments and I do believe I remember you wining a game on Delusion...

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