(new??) idea for forging.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by RomanSparky, Feb 9, 2009.

  1. RomanSparky

    RomanSparky Ancient
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    I have an idea for a map, but im not sure how good of an idea it is/if its original at all to do.

    My idea is to make a "skeletal remains" of a massive serpent/dragon as an aesthetic map, but also as a playable one. I'm guessing the best type of gameplay would have it as a race map. But I haven't gotten all of the details figured out yet, and i was just wondering what other people thought about it. I've decided on using Avalanche as the map of choice, because of its incredible size, but I'm apt to decide otherwise if i don't think it will work out well.

    If you have any ideas please comment; if you would like to collaborate with me on this project then my GT is RomanSparky (but you probably coulda figured that out)

    so there you have it. please comment/discuss/critique me. lol.
  2. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Well thats a good idea. I think that you should have team of two the vips with sword and the other guys drive and they fight for the lead.
  3. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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  4. RomanSparky

    RomanSparky Ancient
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    I had something quite different from this in mind, but i guess in a way its KIND of like what i had in mind, but not really. lol.
  5. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    yeah, i think its been done, but you could still make one. i wouldnt do a race map though. as for maps, i would wait for sandbox, and use the wait-time for planning. you could have two arms extending from it, each hand a base, use the kill-balls for eyes/organs/dragon eggs. in a nest/etc. you could use the skybox for a smaller flying dragon.?? and teh skull could house a power weaon (flamethrower lolz)
  6. RomanSparky

    RomanSparky Ancient
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    this gives me a sort of idea with sandbox... if its possible, i will try to have the dragon extending from the skybox to the regular map, half of it in each realm. if people don't die from it anyways. I think it might be a cool idea i guess.
  7. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    i was just discussin this in another thread, i think you will die in-between even with stuff there. im gonna test this when it comes out, but i was thinking large dragon skeleton on the ground, smaller live dragon (playable area /w/ flamethrower, firebomb grenades etc) for one team, and an airpad with attack banshee's and hornets for the other team, maybe with a teleporter from each base to its respective sky area.
  8. RomanSparky

    RomanSparky Ancient
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    hmmm.... perhaps... head end could be base one, tail end could be base two, each of them having their own features, and in the center could be teleporter to the sky dragon, where a bunch of stuff would be; special weapons, flags or bombs for different gametypes. Moveable hills for KoTH on both sky dragon and sand dragon maybe? I'm liking these suggestions tho.
  9. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    plus the blue/red lights will make some cool effects, plus i had an idea for a territory / KOTH map, make it in the dragon skeletons heart, with a kill-ball the actual heart, so you have to be careful in the hill/ territory
  10. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Ok first of all, Ribcage was forged by The Yellow (or Pfhorapfhobia now XP). Just thought I'd drilled that into your skulls (specifically Black Theorem for saying Tex made it).

    And honestly, I think that if you were to make this kind of map on sandbox, I would use a skeleton of a dinosaur, probably a T-Rex. It would fit the map, it would be really big, and it would be original. Dragons have been done before, so try to expand away from that if you can.
  11. RomanSparky

    RomanSparky Ancient
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    O_O you are a freakin genius. seriously, that is a brilliant idea. I will most definately have to put that in... man are you good for brainstorming.

    hmmm The dragon's ribcage would have to be kind of intricate so that way keeping out of the killball would be sort of challenging.

    I also think that the spine should be useful for something. Perhaps have the underbelly open while having the spine as a kind of bridge. But i Don't think it should be too wide either. I hope that there will be enough objects to do something like this on sandbox.
  12. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    but dragons have a much more epic/mystical aura about them, , hell someone needs to make a "pool" of water using shield doors then create a giant leviathan/squid. hows that fer original.
  13. RomanSparky

    RomanSparky Ancient
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    well if its a skeleton and not an actual dragon, then there wouldn't be much of a difference between dragon and dinosaur. Dragons (eastern, anyways) are generally longer and would take up more of the map. Also, T-Rex had short stubby arms and would be more funny and humorous than aesthetically pleasing i believe lol.
  14. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    this kindu gives me an idea, i want to make an actual dragon, fully fleshed out, with a playable inside, the only way in would be throuh the hole that killed it, and you could put a red base indicator in the hole for a kind of bloody feel.
  15. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    Im so doing this. this is more than likely my first sandbox map.
  16. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    well, this was kindu his idea, and his brainstorming session, not yours.
  17. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Oh yeah, lol. XD

    Well that would be interesting, you feel up to it? I'm already working on a map so I will not be a part. XP
  18. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    I don't think you would have enough items to do womthing like this. Maybe you could make it half buried on the ground. Thats very possible, but floating down from the Sky Bubble to Sandbox? No way you could have enough stuff to do that lol. Plus I think you get insta killed when you go past a certain barrier between the two. Unless its on a fall timer like in campaign, then you could have stairs or somthing.
  19. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    im workin hard on an MLG map on foundry, but i'll try it on sandbox, eventually, im up to it.
  20. RomanSparky

    RomanSparky Ancient
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    hmmm... that would be kinda cool. I think the objects in sandtrap would make it look like a sand dragon; they're brown and sandy but still shiny, like scales. You might run into the problem of running out of objects tho. damn budget and OLN.

    EDIT: I wouldn't have it all the way to the bottom of the map, RST, just suspended in between the two realms. but still, there's the possible problem of the boundary about sandbox.

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