Mostly this time I was very disappointed with many outcomes and all of the performaces. Now I didnt watch every second of it, but the two worst things was 1) Stevie Wonder- The Greatest black dude ever, him playing with the Jonas Brothers- The gayest people on the face of the planet, was a disgrace to music every where and then 2) Coldplay beating Mettalica for best rock album, now its not their best album, but how the HELL does Coldplay(who I am not going to mention how much I hate) beat the creators of metal for best rock album. Besides, isn't Coldplay getting or already been sued for Viva La Vida? Then dont even get me started on miley cyrus and taylor swift(lowercased on purpose). I dont know about you guys but I was pissed as a ******* S*** bag(excuse my language) What do you think?
Grammy's. Is that movies, or TV or music? I heard about Blink 182. That's cool, as long as it doesn't **** with Angels and Airwaves.
eh, i dun really care about either one but i like angels and airwaves better than Blink hands down. i have a personal hated for Blink 182, and Green Day....and punk. btw Grammys is Music except this year it was ****.
1) I hate the Jonas Brothers with a burning passion, but it wasn't as terrible as you are making it 2) Coldplay beat Metallica because their album was better than Metallica's. Don't you ****ing diss coldplay either. And you know what? 2 people have accused them of taking their song. Hmmm, that seems weird that you would steal the same song from 2 different people. Watch the ****ing 60 minutes report. It was on like 20 minutes before the grammys. Yeah I hate Miley, but I think she was singing better than Taylor Swift... still bad though their voices weren't compatible And I wasn't that pissed, modern music will always be lame to some people I like alternative rock, that's my thing
oh, i know what you mean. personally im beggining to like new rock like Killswitch Engage and Slipknot more that old stuff. this will always be true for me: The Who is my favorite oldies band with Guns and Roses and AC/DC tied for second.
I hate coldplay, metallica deserved the grammy because of their songs are original and are not partially just stolen like a certain song *cough* Viva La Vida *cough* I also thought that the jonas brothers and stevie wonder was a weird combination..
I was kinda dissapointed that 808's and Heartbreak wasn't nominated for anything. And then Lil' Wayne losing Album of the Year to the old guy and the ***** kinda annoyed me... As for the Coldplay with Jay-Z it wasn't too bad, but when they did Swagga like Us, MIA completely ruined it... And all I could think of when I saw a pregnant ***** and 4 black guys on stage was JERRY JERRY JERRY... And then Dead & Gone was kinda... It didn't feel right they way they did it slower...
Well, i have to agree with the warned guy(soz i dun remember names) as much as i hate coldplay and Jay-Z they did that song pretty well together. anyone else liked it?
Goddam avatar guy watch the ****ing 60 minutes report does no one else watch 60 minutes? it's a good news show lol
Gosh, Taylor Swift is such a horrible singer live. The Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus/Taylor Swift ruined it. Other than that the performances were likeable.
Mainstream music is becoming more and more surfaced with children's propagandish crap which teens and probably most parents cannot stand. They're ruining music simply because children are so impressionable and will financially support any "star" they see on favorite TV shows or television stations. I say we boycott the music industry until they clean it up. Give them their own Disney awards show for all of their awful media.
Umm in response to this, I felt like when Jay-Z came on, he kind of ruined the song in some ways... not totally, but idk Maybe other people don't agree but Lost? is a pretty good song and a lot of reviews I have seen give the Jay-Z version bad ratings I'm not saying Jay-Z is bad, I just felt like they didn't match up... and that was the acoustic version of Lost that Chris Martin played... normally they play the normal version with Jay-Z
Duh Coldplay won, but I was surprised to see that the Led Zeppelin guy won 3 grammys. That was BS right there.
R u shi- i mean kidding mean Led Zepplin is freakin awesome! how dare you not know who he is. lololololololol