Overall I found the computer players really easy to defeat. I guess it is because I'm above-average at RTS's. From what I can tell the game plays well and will play better when there are multiple human players, hopefully. I don't expect much from an RTS on a console, I just hope its worth my money.
thats true. I beat it on heroic my third try becaus I play a lot of RTSs but real players play much different than computer players. For example, the bots in gears 2.
I'm sure its possible. You just have to hit them before they get started at all. Alot of luck would play in it.
Where do you see times for this stuff? I can't find anything telling me how long I took. Games that feel short turn out to have been 30 minutes (I know because of my cap card).
So I started on normal difficulty settings and destroyed the enemies starting base. I had their last remaining base surrounded with tanks, tons of warthogs and some ODSTs and meh Spartans. Its at this point that I crank the difficulty up to Mythic. Well for a long time the enemy just sat stagnant, and I'm starting to be curious at what's going on. All of a sudden, two Scarabs pop out of the base completely anihalating my nearby Spartans. So I send in every unit I had to destroy these two monstrous Scarabs, and what ensued was the coolest battle I've ever seen. A huge line of Warthogs charged at the Scarabs, while their beams tore through the lines. I managed to down one Scarab before the destroyed my whole fleet. As it began attacking my nearby base, I hit it with a MAC cannon shot and killed it. Everything was in flames, and only a few soldiers on the ground remained. Epic battle! I'm addicted to this game now!
Difficulty Do you mean Heroic difficulty? I only have three difficulties on my demo: 1. Easy 2. Normal 3. Heroic I still haven't won a skirmish when starting on Heroic. I like that it's super challenging.
My fav tactic: -Play as regret -Build 2 halls, one prophet thingy, one shield generator and the rest supply things -Build Hunters and upgrade them -Advance an age -Upgrade the hunters more -Take over the forerunner supply elevator -The enemy will attack right about now and i have about 8 pair of hunters. I win nomatter what always. -Advance another age and fully upgrade hunters -Get like 11 pair hunters -Upgrade prophet's beam -attack with hunters (i always win) and leave prophet for defense with beam of doom -If the attack takes long enough, build a scarab partway through
I dunno if anyone's seen this yet, but somebody posted videos of himself taking on the Heroic AI both as covenant and as UNSC. Youtube playlist with the videos here He takes is sweet time winning, but anyone here who's having trouble beating the Heroic AI take note: massive quantities of supplies equals win. Also, MAC blasts.
The ODST's in Halo wars are like the marines in Starcraft. They are a decent tier 1 unit. Once the main base is upgraded you are able to create higher tier units such as air vehicles and ground behicles. It is at this stage the tier one units are upgradable. They are upgradable, because halo wars doesn't want the marines to be just a tier one. They do this so the marines can be used later in the game. They won't be as effective as they were in the beginning, but they will still be a valuable asset in late game.
Not really. Sure, they are powerful, but look at this way. 1. Only available if Captain Cutter is the leader you chose. 2. You have to fully upgrade Marines. That means to give them extra numbers, rockets, medic, and then finally ODST. 3. Alone they are useless. They are great anti infantry, light vehicles, and light aircraft, but they need numbers and additional support from other types of units. When I finally attacked the enemy (this is on Heroic) I had manged to keep both of my bases this time. I had 10 Advanced Supply Depots, 2 Advanced Reactors, 1 Bunker and 1 Airport. I also had the Forerunner mine. As I held off the enemy with 1 base as I upgraded my marines to ODST, I made 2 Vultures, 3 Hornets, and 2 Elephants. Well, I didn't know how rapidly you could rapid fire the ODST, so I went over to the enemy base and began to attack them with my force, I only sent 2 units. I went back to my base, and dropped a single ODST group to take out the Vampires. Well, somewhere I decided to rapid tap A, and I realized that I had all the ODST I could ever want at my disposal, along with enough resources to remain constantly above 4000. Let's just say that 15+ units of ODST constantly in play wins your battles.