Alright, I am sick of seeing people post this, so: Smoking is not guaranteed to kill people. Whilst it does greatly increase your chances of dieing of a smoking-related illness, it is not a definate. That's like saying if you eat 3 cookies a day, you're guaranteed to die from diabetes. Does it increase the likelihood of death? Yes. Is it 100% going to happen? No. And as for the people saying that you can quit if you just got some self control, it's just not that simple. It gets to the point where your body believes it needs nicotine to function. It can get to the point where people can die from withdrawal. Self-control is being able to turn down dessert, or something. It takes much more than simple self-control to quit smoking. So I don't think that cigarettes should be illegal. It should be illegal to smoke in public because then you're putting other's lives at risk, as well. Of course, you'd have to be an incredible dumbass to start smoking in the first place, but, it's their life and they have the right to do what they want with it. If they want to idiotically put their life in jeopardy, then, in spite of the fact that it is incredibly stupid, they should have the right to do it.
I truly love living in the Chicagoland area, because smoking in public is banned in most places. There really isn't much of a debate at this point, we all know the side effects of smoking and the dangers of second hand smoke. So what is there left to debate? We can't simply ban cigarettes all together...I wish it were that simple. Cigarettes will eventually be phased out as its user base shrinks. On another note: Restaurants often have to repaint their walls every year because the smoke fom cigarettes causes the walls to turn yellow. Gross, but true.
Yes it is and very sad for families. Its garunteed to give you lung cancer,and other sorts of cancer.Which if no treatment or help will kill you. Wow I never knew that DTL.And you are fortunate to live in that sort of area.
He was actually correct. You can smoke and not get cancer, but you greatly increase your chances by doing so. It also depends on your smoking habits too. People who smoke a pack a day are more likely to get cancer than thoe who smoke casually.
That's a fun fact I didn't know about Chicago. In Florida, smoking in restaurants has been banned (a few years back). Like was said, I don't see much of a debate. I think the marijuana debate would be a lot more fun =]
O really.Then sorry man about that.But yeah that does make sense what you said DTL. I don't know much at this point.If theres no debate soon I'll just request to get this closed ,I guess.
I really wish that they would ban more places from smoking in canada or at least in my province. It is really annoying walking around holding my breath or just feeling sick becuase i hate the smell and i'm allergic. Also it is very sad that when little kids go to high school and other kids influence them to smoke "cuz it's cool" which i think is one of the stupidest things someone can say. I really don't understand whats so cool about killing yourself? Every cigarette hurts you maybe in a small way but it adds up. I also do not undertand why they are taking so long to get rid of smoking? Why sell stuff that the only purpose of it is to kill yourself? It certainly doesn't have anything good going for it. I really belive that it should be illegal. Yes i know it's hard to quit but if they can't get it then they are already quiting (or make it an outragous price so people can try to quit themselves). Well thats how i feel on the subject. Yeah no ones argueing against it becuase everyone is smart enough to know that smoking is bad.
I think it should be banned from all cities and stop being legally is banned from all public places in my city.My whole family smokes almost and I hate it,all they are is cancer sticks,they need to become illegal
My teacher told me the only reason Cigarettes are legal in the U.S is because it gives the country loads of cash; and without it the Country would suffer financially.
you know it is true smoking is bad for you but you forgot one thing... cigars cigars are a completely diferents story all together because they are 1. less addicting 2. not full of chemicals 3. expensive so people use them less now start thinking about that.
It's true. Get them addicted and feed off of it. Oh, related story. My friend is a junior cop(he's 17) and the police used him to buy cigarettes from a convenience store. The guy behind the counter checked his I.D. and still sold them to him. Imagine how many sales go to kids like that every day. Disgusting. For supporters of public smoking, don't come here using the "it's their life" defense. It hurts others and even when in private, it still releases pollutants into the air.
Private? So does your car, lawn mower, boat, jet ski, snow mobile, snow blower, weed wacker, chain saw, barbecue grill, fire place, 4 wheeler, and fireworks(to name a few). I understand no smoking laws in public places, but what are you proposing? No smoking in you own home because harmful cigarette smokes escapes out of the window and into the community. If your going to take that stand, there is a long list of harmful things humans do to their environment. Smoking is very low on the list.
Guys... The companies won't shut down, they're worth so much, do you see the major corporations sacrificing the empire they've built? Outlawing cigarretes altogether would be a terrible thing to do, let me provide a comparisson to back this up... Heroin is illegal. It's partly so expensive because it's illegal, addicts will do anything to get their fix. If smoking were to be banned, with so many addicts, and no legal trade, (there would stil be trade) the price would skyrocket and a lot of people would have their lives ruined more than their smoking did, because you thought it was a good idea to ban smoking without thinking about it. I can't think of anything more to say, so go ahead and pick my flawed argument apart now.
Yes, but people rely on those things daily. That's why Hybrids were invented. To cut back on emissions and to use less non-renewable resources to help the environment. Smoking is preventable. Really, this isn't a new topic.
That is obviously true, but all those are very un-noticable. Has your car killed someone? Has it killed you? No. Not even with an estimated 300 million cars it hasn't. I'm not saying they're not emitting Co2 into our atmosphere, but they aren't harming us noticeably, yet. While its obvious smoking harms the user, and the by-standers much more efficiently and quicker.
Rely How many people rely on their jet ski, 4 wheeler, snow mobile, grill, fireplace, or fireworks daily? These are recreational activities, same as smoking. Someone chooses to zip around all day on their Jet-ski, burning fossil fuel and releasing harmful emissions into our atmosphere. People buy gigantic SUV's called Hummers that they use to drive their kids to school and go grocery shopping. Buying that kind of ridiculous vehicle is their choice. These vehicles produce many more harmful waste products than cigarettes do. Do you see that by saying people shouldn't be able to smoke in the privacy of their homes because they are releasing harmful emissions you are opening a can of worms that would never end? People kill themselves all the time by leaving the car running in a closed garage. You can die in a matter of hours by being in a closed room with a car running. Try it some time. Now, try smoking a few packs of cigarettes in the same closed garage. You would probably not feel great, but you would probably not die. I am not suggesting that smoking should be legal in public places, as it is not in Illinois where I live. I am defending personal freedom to be able to smoke in your home. If you start banning things based on their level of toxicity to the environment, smoking, once again, is not high on the list.
He makes a good point Norlinsky. I think for the sake of the thread we should focus more on the personal effects of smoking.
Once again, smoking is not a necessity. People use automobiles daily. We can agree on that, right? Well, they come in different shapes and sizes and whatnot, and the manufacturers are not going to take them back because they release a certain amount of emissions or have this many miles per gallon. Hopefully, we will make better progress on our environmental conscience in the future. Water skiing, snowmobiling, or go-karting would just fall under the argument of travel, with normal automobiles. Again. Cigarettes are purely recreational. Not medicinal, or beneficial to anybody's daily life(not out of a psychological perception, at least), so why keep them if all they do is cause harm? Like Radiant said, it is because of the economic gain that the companies thrive off of. It is truly sick how one can benefit on another's physical addictions to a drug.
Travel? Come on, Norlinsky. Are you really trying to say that people use jet-skis and go-carts for travel? They are recreational and you know it. How may people commute to work on a jet-ski? Besides this guy: If you want to come into a person's home and tell them they can't do something because it is bad for the environment, there would have to be an insane amount of activities outlawed under this logic. There are other reasons perhaps that cigarettes should be illegal, but this is not one of them.