Ok I've been searching the internet for any hint as to when the Mythic map pack will be available on the marketplace but have only found one thing on a B.net weekly update saying "the release date details have not been confirmed". Has anyone found anything else? Guesses? I'm guessing that it might come out 2 weeks after Halo Wars launches.
And you are going to take this up in the Hub Pub? Isn't it more a a question for the whole community? But, My guess is the same as yours. I think it will be around in about 2 weeks after Halo Wars release. But, I'm planning on getting Halo Wars since I'm also a fan of RTS Games; So why not get the Mythic Map pack too. lol.
IGN had a calendar with xbl release dates and they said it was releasing on March 31st. Obviously this isn't official but its something.
This should be shared within the community or brought up as general chat in the appropriate thread. Feel free to take it there :0) :lock:
Bungie said that the mythic map pack would be released on the marketplace after halo wars a little longer than the span of time between the Gettysburg's departure for Earth and Regret's slipspace jump, so...according to my calculations that is a little more than 37 days. So I would expect to wait until at least April 9th.
If you want them so bad, preorder Halo Wars. I reckon they will have rectified a date by then anyway.
It's like saying: If you want three maps then you should pay 70 bucks to get it anywhere from 1 week to 1 1/2 months early... and you get a game which you will never play! YEAAAH!!! yeaaahhh...... no.....
I'm gonna play it like I play Halo 3. I've noticed Bungie has figured out that the key to a game is the multiplayer, and I know they will have a great multiplayer. It was an amazing demo anyway, and I'll expect the Campaign to be epic. This isn't just another game, it's another Bungie Game. I know many people have their tiny problems with them, and this one won't be any different, but it still will be one of my top games. Also, I heard from March 31st also, but thats not official.
Im assuming early april or late march probably. Bungie would not keep anybody waiting too long. And also Grif just buy Halo Wars LE. If you dont like it return it but keep the code.
Irony: Quoting, then using a wiki as an unverifiable source. I'm still going with three Tuesdays after next.
How can people not remember weekly updates? They all but gave out the date. They said it would about the same time span as two events in the halo timeline, which were around 37 days apart. I don't know why people obsess over non existent secrets bungie "put" in Sandtrap, and ignore a very obvious and direct hint to the release of the pack.