This is a race map I made on Avalanche. It took about 9 hours 6 hours making the map and 3 hours testing and cheatproofing. A basic rundown of the map would be first, you get a mongoose or 1 ghost (I put it there to make more of a challenge) you then go up a ramp. After that the racetrack begins. I made many other ramps that shoot you different places. There is 1 Moonbounce. It is not cheatproof because it is supposed to be hard so in term you always fall off of it. Then you get back on and try again. The man cannons don't always work so it makes more of a challenge. I want you to think in your head "next time how could i make it through the man cannon perfectly?" So here is some screenshots and a link to the map at the bottom. Starting Point Ramp #1 Beggining Of Racetrack Turn To Ramp #2 Ramp #2 Moonbounce After The Man Cannon Interlocking Bridge The rest is a flatland race Here is the link: Have Fun
K it's really not fun to play on a racetrack where parts of the track rarely work. People play race maps casually, and they're not going to like being forced to fail and do it over... and over... and over... especially when they're near the very end and OOPS you fall off. People would quit. Also the way you've set it up, it's incredibly hard to pass other racers so even if nobody falls off, the person in front has way too much of an advantage.
Well as Rusty said.Its way too easy to fall off.And way too narrow.Maybe try again and take your time.
i agree with rusty and nyyanks33, this map isnt very smooth. with bumps everywhere and with the sharpest and most narrowest corner turn on your last pic i have ever seen, it really looks like a very hard racing map which is hard to avoid falling off. many improvements should be fixed here
There is no bumps the interlocking LOOKS bad but it is very smooth the banked turn is not hard if you full speed it you will make it. Please download it before you critizise it.
Well this doesn't look like fun what so ever. People would be falling off all over the place and as it was stated before me, the person in first place will have a HUGE advantage over the rest of the people behind him. Plus this looks very sloppy and not smooth. There are too many bumps. Make a v2, widen the track, maybe interlock for smoothness, and maybe I'll download it. But for now 2/5 EDIT: Oh yeah there should be a racetracks gametype in your post seeing as this is a racetrack. I don't see a gametype link any where, just the map link.
It is supposed to be like that if you finish it in a second you will not want to play it again if you can't finish it then you keep trying. Please download it before you critizise it that is the point to make it hard to finish. It took 9 hours and everything was presice. Please download it before you critisize it
it's to hard! it's to hard! maybe you guys just don't have the skillz. i have downloaded every race map that was made, and it IS fun to have a challenge. GOOD JOB BRO!!!!!!
If you're only supposed to go once and the point is just to overcome obstacles, then this isn't a race map like you claimed. It's more like one of those puzzle maps. And who said I didn't download it? You're assuming that I must've not downloaded it and that's why I don't like it. Don't be an a-hole. There's a difference between something that requires skill (like correct braking times or turning maneuvers) where it's hard but you aren't totally screwed for not getting it right and something where you have no clue until you try it and fall off and have to start all over again, and then when you figure out the trick it takes no skill and you can still sometimes fall off. That's great for puzzle maps, but for races that's just stupid. The focus is on racing. Even still, I'm not talking about it being too hard for me. I'm saying that if you had played many custom games, you would know that everyone in the party is just going to get pissed off and leave if it's too "challenging" to finish even one lap.
Race Tracks are for fun.They are not meant to piss people off.Make wider ways and smothers tracks.THEN ill download and tell you what I think.But for now N0 DL U NOOB.No offense.
Everyone who is complaining clearly doesn't understand the underlying concept of this track. It's meant to test your skill and determination, not to literally race on. Have you never played Gold Rush, Hurricane, Nightmare? These maps are just like this one, I've done things harder that what appears in these pictures so pull up your panties and stop whining your vaginas off. Nice track dude.
dude I played this map and its pritty fun butt it looks like this guy can not morf or G.O.merge I give [***••] :-/
Thank you if you look closley at the long bridge of boxes they are all merged. The ramp at the beginning is also merged. Thanks for the Reply!
i guess if you have to work at something it's not fun. i got it on the second try!! not to hard !! you guys are a bunch of babies!!
While I agree with those who are judging by the picture that this track does look sloppy, I disagree with the fact that they're immediately slamming you down without downloading it first. It's worth a play first to see if the screenshots are deceitful or not. Although, while 9 hours of precision is a long time, a lot of the best maps you'll see here or on HaloTracks take weeks or months.