I Vote for Frag Frags concept is alot more artsy, and I can tell he put alot of time into it. Diz's sig is incredible and alot more my speed, but I'm voting for the quality of the sig - not my personal preference right?
I vote frag. I just like the way it was executed better; its not just a rectangle, and i can actually tell what is in the picture. As for diz's, the only thing i can actually see is what i think is the character from devil may cry to the right of the sig. The rest is rather blurry. sorry if that makes me noobish lol.
Both works are probably your bests. I can see both of you spent alot of time on this, and put yourselves into it. But I'm going to have to go with Frag Man. The Black and White integrity really does emit "Memories". The shape, and conjunction of the pictures are great, whilst complimenting each other. I'm friends with both the authors, so none of this is bias. I apologize Diz, and fear the next time we chat on Live.
Disfunky why? well I was going to go with frag man because of the originality but the sepia just ruined it. I like the effects going on in the whole sig, although the left side of the sig is very unique.
Hang on. Me and Diz have to go over the votes and see if they're valid. So far, we can eliminate two votes. Which leaves Diz and I tied.
We can automatically get rid of Cake's. But Whale's is debatable. I'll have to see Diz's opinion on the matter.
Diz. Diz has nice color to it. Frag Man's is just too plain. Also Diz has a really nice texture to it. I really just love the way it looks.
Let's see what Frag has to say. EDIT: Oh, how he said "because his name is Cole Funk." I think he was just joking with our rules.