Just wondering what people have for breakfast. People say that I eat a lot for breakfast, so let's compare a bit. I usually eat two bowls of cereal (either Frosties, Weetabix, Shreddies, Cheerios, Alpen or Porridge) and two slices of toast or two crumpets (with butter and jam on them). I love breakfast Remember, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Anyone who skips breakfast will be annoyed by me until they start eating breakfast. Lol jk, but seriously you shouldn't skip breakfast. Here's a quote from transactionZero explaining why: What do you eat? What's your favourite cereal if you eat cereal? What do you have on your toast? Discuss.
I rarely eat breakfast, but lately, I have been! Let's see. I have: A bowl of Frosted Flakes A banana or orange Yogurt Vitamin Water Bagels are my preference, though.
I hardly ever eat breakfast, maybe a couple times a month. If I do eat it, then I usually just have like two pieces of toast or something.
Bad Shatakai! Bad! I can't believe there are people out there who don't eat breakfast; don't you get hungry? It's 9:50pm where I live, and right now I'm eating my 4th bowel of Frosties today. I'd starve without breakfast!
Fatty Melt It's called the Hamburger Fatty Melt. *Two grilled cheese sandwiches as buns and a juicy burger. Great way to start your day.
some special K for breakfast usually followed by a mango or an apple. but once in a blue moon i will have bacon, eggs and tomato. mmmmmmmmmmmmm
95% of the time nothing, but if I'm going to work in the morning I'll stop at Tim Hortons (The Canadian Starbucks) and get an XL Double Double, and a Blueberry muffin... plus a sandwich for lunch.
I hope you don't have that every day. It looks lush, but if that's your regular breakfast then you must weigh about 40 stone lol.
I don't really eat breakfast, kind of because i don't have the time and i'm to lazy. But when i do i drink some regular milk or chocolate milk or orange juice. On weekends i sometimes eat pancakes, drink some coffee, eat cereal maybe, and maybe some of those sausage cheese sour dough bread sandwiches.
I usually eat oatmeal, wheaties, or pancakes. Join the we love pancakes group. We must dominate the wafflers! Forge Hub Halo Forums - We love pancakes
fap for breakfast? looooooool i dun eat breakfast my cereals are all old and soggy lol mebbe fruitbar?
A.) Two bowls of a Fruity Cereal, Usually Pebbles B.) A bagel with teh Strawberry Cream Cheez, OM NOM C.) Pancakes D.) LOL JUICE(Mah Orange Ju1c3)
On the weekdays, I eat a bowl of cereal (or oatmeal), a cup of coffee with cream and sugar, and sometimes an apple or a bannana. On Saturday, I make my family buttermilk pancakes, its a tradition On Sunday, I have a freid egg sandwich with boudin
I always enjoy a good breakfast on the weekends, but I usually wake up a little too late on the weekdays to have breakfast. Otherwise Waffles and Pancakes.
I don't really eat breakfast that much. The only cereals we have are cheerios, crispix, chex, and banana nut crunch. If I do have time to have breakfast though, I usually have a bagel with cheddar cheese melted on it, a bagel with cream cheese, 2 slices of toast with grape jelly, cinnamon bread, etc. Not all at once though... On the occasional Sunday I make waffles and bacon and my dad makes eggs with cheddar cheese. Mmmmmmm....
Oh man ... i wish i could eat that ... I pretty much never have breakfast ... i know i should, but i just don't have the time on my way out to work.
I rarely eat breakfast.but If I do I make (or get moma to make) some waffles. I occasionly eat some cereal though.