I know the Fallout 3 DLC has been out for a while, but I felt that it needed it's own little discussion thread too. Here you can give opinions about the entire new mission(s) and this will also be a place to discuss future DLC. To start off, I heard the new DLC was going to have Pittsburgh and also it would get rid of the level cap or at least make it higher. I'm not sure about this yet, though. Now, about Operation Anchorage. So, I go to the marketplace to download it with enough MS points and wait. Once I get on Fallout 3 I'm so excited to see what this place looks like. I travel to the Outcast stronghold, and it was awesome. (I only fought some Enclave soldiers on the way.) Down the elevator shaft there was a whole headquarters, and the simulation room, where my mission was going to start. Now when I first entered the "simulation" I found myself in Anchorage, Alaska. Let me tell you was it something completely differently from the original Fallout 3 campaign. It was snowing, and I was in the mountains during the Chinese-American war, some time in the mid-2000's. You have a pistol and an assault rifle. As well as a Gauss Rifle, which you get to keep when the missions are over. This rifle is a very very good gun. So you get back to base and you make a squad and you go on missions. I though it was semi-repetitive, and I was starting to get a little bored. I went off and then came back on later, and finished the last few missions. The last mission was really fun, but I won't give anything away for the people that haven't played it yet. Now, the rewards are even sweeter. Winterized T-51b armor, the gauss rifle, Chinese stealth suit (crouch to go invisible), a shocksword, and much more. Overall I thought the DLC was completely worth it. I'm glad I spent my 800 MS Points on it. I think if you have Fallout 3 this is a must to keep the game interesting. Now, discuss. You can discuss this DLC or any other possible DLC in the future.
Although it was very short, i love the rewards at the end. My favorite reward was the Chinese Stealth Suit. That thing is just amazing. As for the other DLC, your are correct. One DLC will have you in the "Pitt" [Pittsburgh]. And the other will raise the level cap to 30. Also, with the level cap DLC, you play through a new chapter as a Brother in the Brotherhood of steel.
I heard you play as the same character, so your right if you meant that you join them. And I'll post this again (You can get all your items from the simulation) Spoiler - It is possible to keep your inventory from the simulation. This means that you can keep your Winterized Combat Armor, Gauss Rifle, Jingwei's Shock Sword and whatever weapons you got from the Quartermaster (ie:Trench Knife, Assault Rifle, Combat Shotgun, etc.) and then receive your reward from the VSS Armory in the Outcast Outpost. This is possible by exploiting an inventory glitch where the player's inventory from the simulation is not removed until after the player returns to the Outpost. To perform this glitch, do the following steps in order and remember to save before performing the glitch because it will take several attempts to achieve this. Also note that that the player should not have started the simulation already, otherwise it is impossible to do and I would suggest loading a previous save if you really want Winterized Combat Armor and a second Gauss Rifle. - To set this glitch up, the player needs to talk to Protector McGraw and then to Specialist Olin to get the Neural Interface Suit. After you equip the suit, do not enter the simulation pod yet. - Go into the locked room where Gary 23 is and then drag his body back into the pod room. Lift his body into the pod in a way that his body will be in front of you when you sit down. Make sure that it is close enough to search him. Once you sit down, it will not say you can search him so you are going to have to guess (try practicing where there is a chair). Also make sure his body is all the way in so it does not move when the pod closes. - Enter the simulation and play through to Paving the Way. From this point on everything in your inventory will be taken out of the simulation, so remember to get your weapons package and Gauss Rifle from the Quartermaster and to pick up all the ammo found along the way. Continue playing up to Operation: Anchorage (quest). - Play through the quest, disabling the pulse field and make your way to the doors of the Chinese Compound. At this point make sure you have a save before going in. Once you enter, pick the speech option 'I'm going to kill you SO MUCH'. Shoot the Shock Sword out of General Jingwei's hand. Pick up the Shock Sword and then kill him. Make sure you are not in the southern end of the compound because General Chase may catch you in a speech and send you back to the Outpost without making another save. As soon as you kill General Jingwei, run North toward the Chinese Soldiers and turn around to find where General Chase is and then make another save (you can overwrite your last save if you want). - Now talk to General Chase and he will send you back to the Outpost (remember how you positioned the Gary 23's body in step 1) During the loading screen start to press A (search button) rapidly. If done properly, you will be able to search his body (normally happens in the black screen, but not always) and at this point put all your items on his body. Exit, talk to Protector McGraw, and then search Gary 23's body to retrieve your weapons from the simulation. Combined with the following two bugs, a player can leave the simulation with tens of thousands of bottlecaps worth of ammo. - This part is hard and will take several attempts to achieve it. Try several different methods such as rapidly pressing A or tapping A at a slower rate (changing the rate at which you press it helps), using third person, looking down (or down to left or right), or even trying a mixture of them. - Also Most Weapons & Armor taken from within the Simulation will result in them never losing CND. The Fat Man, Super Sledge, Chinese Officer Sword lose Condition.
Yes, i heard that but... Spoiler In some endings you die, so that wouldn't make much sense, unless they have some cut scene of a Brother waking you up in a hospital or something of that nature.
Yeah I was thinking that too or Spoiler Elder Lyons being pissed off that his daughter died Theres alot of endings in this
The coolest thing about this is that you can play after you beat the game. That's pretty nice isn't it? They said there will be more stuff coming out too. It's too bad us computer players won't be able to play until they release the DLC content in a few months or so... Bleh..
You damn computer players have mods. At least we can use Col. Autumns coat and his laser pistol/smg thing