Could not create object. Too many on map. (The Total Object Limit EXPLAINED)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Sidonuke, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Sidonuke

    Sidonuke Ancient
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    Since the sandbox map is coming out soon and they warned us of the third limit or budget on forge. We can do this right now and test out what the limit is.

    The Test:
    This is the third hidden limit of the OLN which is very obscure....

    Ok so here is what I did to test it.

    I took the default Foundry map and spawned objects till cap was reached.

    Then i took a clean (all objects deleted) non budget hacked map and spawned objects till cap was nearly reached and then budge hacked a few objects. Then i went and used default placed type objects (Spawn Points) to finish the rest of the cap.

    The summury of results follows. Results do not calculate Run Time Maximum (Will do it later)
    Foundry Default = 182 Spawned Objects
    Foundry Default + Extra Objects = 391 Spawned Objects

    Clean without default = 284 Spawned Objects (Limit not reached)
    Clean with default = 361 Spawned Objects (Limit reached)

    So as it appears when you use a clean canvas map you will lose about 30-40~ Spawnable Objects.

    More on this to come. Goodjob Bungie =)

  2. Sidonuke

    Sidonuke Ancient
    Senior Member

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    In Default Test the number in the () is the run time maximum
    In the Clean Test the run time maximum is the objects spawned.

    Default Objects:
    8 Battle Rifles (12)
    1 Shotgun (3)
    2 Sniper (4)
    4 Spiker (6)
    1 Plasma Pistol (4)
    2 Plasma Rifle (6)
    2 Brute Shot (4)
    1 Rocket Launcher (3)
    1 Ghost (4)
    8 Frag Grenade (8)
    4 Plasma Grenade (8)
    2 Bubble Shield (4)
    2 Power Drain (4)
    1 Grav Lift [Equip] (4)
    14 Double Box (15)
    6 Double Box, Open (7)
    10 Single Box (10)
    1 Single Box, Open (2)
    5 Fence Wall (5)
    3 Stairs (3)
    2 Wall (2)
    7 Wall, Double (7)
    2 Wall, Corner (2)
    5 Bridge (5)
    3 Dumpster (3)
    2 Door (2)
    1 Forklift (1)
    1 Truck (1)
    4 Wire Spool (4)
    2 Sign B (2)
    2 Sign A (2)
    6 Window Panel (6)
    6 Fusion Coil (6)
    6 Street Cone (6)
    55 Spawn Point (55)
    182 Total
    Test Default (Forge in CTF Mode):
    182 "Default Object" Added
    15 Assault Rifles (15)
    24 Frag Grenade (24)
    28 Plasma Grenade (28)
    32 Spike Grenade
    45 Spawn Point (45)
    18 Start Point (18)
    7 Spawning Area (7)
    6 Respawn, Flag Home (6)
    6 Respawn, Flag Away (6)
    14 Flag Spawn Point (14)
    14 Flag Return Point (14)
    209 Total
    Test Clean [NO DEFAULT OBJECTS TYPES USED] (Forge in CTF Mode):
    16 SMG
    16 Magnum
    8 Needler
    8 Spartan Laser
    8 Energy Sword
    8 Gravity Hammer
    16 Carbine
    8 Mauler
    8 Beam Rifle
    8 Sentinel Beam
    8 Firebomb
    4 Tripmine
    4 Regenerator
    4 Radar Jammer
    4 Flare
    4 Deployable Cover
    4 Overshields
    4 Active Camo
    4 Custom Powerup
    16 Crate
    16 Barrel
    16 Barrel, Small
    16 Barrier
    16 Barrier, Short
    16 Pallet
    16 Roadblock
    16 Propane Tank
    8 Weapon Holder
    4 Soccer Ball
    GRAND TOTAL 284 (Limit not Reached)
    Adding Default Type Objects:
    77 Spawn Point
    GRAND TOTAL 361 (Limit Reached)
    Default 182
    Default (+ Extra) [Limit Reached] 391
    Clean With Extra [Limit not Reached] 284
    Clean With Extra (+ Some Defaults) [361(GrandTotal)-{77(Total)-55(Default)}=22(Extra)] 339
    Clean With Extra (+ Some Defaults) [361(GrandTotal)-{77(Total)-22(Extra)}=55(Default)] 306
    Clean With Extra (+ Some Defaults) [Both Counter] {Limit Reached} 361
  3. Sidonuke

    Sidonuke Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok i took a fully loaded Default Map with my extras up to the limit without two assault rifles. I placed one assault rifle and then attempted to place another one. Limit was reached. Now i tryed adding in a battle rifle. Success! Kept adding more stuff. Success!

    Now i did the forgery clean map with the super budget glitch (No initial objects needed). When to the object limit of 361~362 for no default object maps. Got error message and failed even after save/quit.

    So the glitch works by the following
    1. Load the default Foundry Map
    2. Reaching in about one object to the limit (you can place only one more and then any more is limit) (360 Objects Placed)
    3. WARNING: Do not reach the limit before saving and you must be with in one object as explained above.
    4. Save then end game
    5. Load map
    6. Place one object
    7. Attempt to place the same object [It will say limit reached]
    8. That object now can not be created anymore but anything else is over the limit for good.
    9. Save game and now you have it saved over the limit.
    10. Load back in delete other random objects used to get to the limit and create your once disabled object
    11. Now we can go over on all objects
    Warning: Going back below the object cap then saving and reloading will result in the cap returning.

    Note: Its best to try and glitch the map after your very close to the object cap.

    Object Caps:
    361~362 - Clean maps
    391 - Default map without default objects deleted
    #3 Sidonuke, Feb 8, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2009
  4. TripleO8

    TripleO8 Ancient
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    I'm sorry, but i dont understand a thing said here? are you saying that a canvas map concludes in 40 less objects, then the default map?
  5. Sidonuke

    Sidonuke Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes in a fully user deleted map the allowed object count is decreased about 30-40 objects as compared to just using the default map and moving objects. [See post 1-2]

    Also the object cap can be bypassed and then saved as bypassed so it doesnt matter. [See post 3]
  6. soccerholic1816

    soccerholic1816 Ancient
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    If I'm reading correctly, nice work. It is a bit difficult to understand though. How many objects are used in default Foundry? Does it equal the number of items lost in a clean map?
  7. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So, what you are saying is that it makes more sense to just use the objects already loaded and make more as you need them, kind of like what bungie has said about sandbox?

    Awesome find, man. And good info.
  8. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Amazing news. 40 isn't really much to me because I never reach the item cap, but it may be helpful in the future. Thanks :)
  9. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    According to this guide, following this method gives us both the ability to overcome the overall object limit (not the specific limit for each object) AND the budget limit?
  10. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Woah, good work. You really do your homework.
    I'll look back here later to see if you add anything.
  11. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    well this wouldve been nice to know building bayonetwork... lol i hit item limit before i even put down spawn points.
  12. Sidonuke

    Sidonuke Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The item limit bypass only stays bypassed as long as you are over the limit. Delete too many objects to get below the cap you will lose the cap bypass. Now you can run the glitch on already done maps so you can get past the limit even on a map that is done. it may not work all the time. the only perfect results i could get is with the default forgery map but it must be something im doing.

    Thanks for all the positive input. I started this once i knew about the object limit and then i figured a few ways to glitch it. so i found a newly perfect foolproof method on the default map to bypass the cap.

    Once sandbox comes out ill see what we can do with the cap on the map. It should be bypassable on any map.

    Also one note make too many objects with the budget and cap bypassed and halo 3 will freeze and objects will be flicking insanely bad.

    Updating Orginial Post.
  13. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Could you please post the double glitched canvas up on here?
  14. Jorgy411

    Jorgy411 Ancient
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    I cant seem to get this "glitch" thingy to work.

    Once i've hit the item limit cap, i've been tearing through my map, trying to take out objects that dont play a big part in gameplay. once i got through going through the map and taking out the less important objects, i then go in and start placing objective objects. (note: i havent even started putting down spawn points). I'm in the middle of putting down starting points for all objective types and i hit the cap again.

    I delete the most recent one, save, reload, and try again. but still i hit the cap...Am i doing it wrong?
  15. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    According to his instructions, you have to place an object to hit the cap, try to place the same object, then you can place however many objects you like - then, save and reload, and delete an object used to reach the cap, and you should be able to place all the objects.

    I think I'm going to test this out on Sandbox - I'll report back with my findings; though, it would be better if the founder of the glitch did it because I'm not sure I'll actually be doing it right.
  16. cody cero

    cody cero Ancient
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    I'm really confused on how to pull this off.

    First off, you warned NOT to hit the limit and save it in the first couple of things to that lil tutorial. Does that mean that even if I hit the limit AND deleted the object that I hit it with, that it would still screw it up completely if I saved it?

    Second thing, I'm also confused about something else, am I NOT able to do this surpassing the limit glitch if I cleared the original objects on the map?

    Because I did hit the limit and deleted what I hit it with before saving the first time. And I also did this on a map that was completely cleared at the start? Please god don't tell me I have to start over.

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