okay i have made this sig (below) and i dont have any idea what to put on the left side any ideas? also cnc could be nice finally NO ARGUMENTS, last time i asked a question i had a argument involving 2 mods and 3 members. almost got locked.
well i asked what i should put it not what can choose to put in becuase i will probaly screw it up but thanks for the idea though
I dont know about the effect but your current signature is too big so you might want to hurry up with the new one.
Dude, look at tutorials and stuff. You use GIMP amirite? Well, just look at tuts. Mainly the only way to get better when your sigs look like this. No offense.
Why don't you try moving the text you have over to that area. The place you have it in is making the text useless. Make phrase too.
Since Jelleh is in the sig modding mood, I'll give it a go too. Eliminate the black space by making your render bigger to cover the whole sig. Example: