Another brilliant bookmark However, I dislike the white boxes around the top 2 lines of text "The world will shout, Save us!" Maybe just drop a shadow behind the text, or something, boxes aren't working. Or, you could make it more comic like, with all the text. As for the second sig, I love it. No changes need to be made. Keep up the good work.
Ya I saw that too Diz. But other than the spelling these look great! I like the second one more though.
I laughed after reading that. Anyhow, I dislike the white type-line on the top. It doesn't exactly match the whole thing. In my opinion it throws it off.
Lol at the bad spelling Knight... XD But besides that, the first one is cool, though and I like how realistic it looks. The second one is my favorite from those, I love the rain effect, it looks great. (Though I like MY Rorschach sig better lol) XD
ugh i googled it and google said rosarch! ok il fix that.. also, i made them around 12:00 pm so yeah.. thanks guys
Making them at noon shouldn't affect your abilities Anyway, that is definitely my favorite quote from the movie, or atleast the trailer. The vertical is pretty good, but the bottom one is very nice. Good color effects.