The effect has been done quite a lot of times, but I've had yet to try it out. So here's my shot at the "Heavenly Hog" effect. Let me know what you think. Link to it's file details.
Wow, thats a really nice effect. Did you do it the same way you make the players invisible and the background white? 5/5
Yep, I just used the basic Heavenly Hog effect. If you're not sure how it's done, check the screenshot guides, there's one there. Thanks for the good feedback.
This picture is amazingly good. The only thing I could suggest to make it better would be to centre the player more and have him hold a different weapon (maybe a BR) so that the Sniper doesn't go off the edge of the pic.
Oddly enough, I took two versions of this pic. One with a BR, and one with a sniper. I liked this one a little better, just because in the BR one there was a little too much "dead space." This is the BR version. Yeah, I had some trouble with that. I was a little sceptical about taking the pic to begin with, mainly because I thought it'd been done before. I may take another, cleaner version.
I dunno, personally, if this was a centered pic i think it would take away from the effect. This way, it reminds me of one of those effects they use for james bond films in the introductory sequence, or like a PC background (which i think this would work quite well for). Not everything has to be centered to be awesome in my opinion.
I was going to take a centered version, but I felt this just looked better. I have it as my background on my computer right now, and it looks pretty good.
Wow this is an amazing shot. I like the angle and I like the sniper one better than the BR one. I agree with you... on the BR one, there's too much empty space. Awesomesauce pic...6/5
I took another version of it, this time I tried to make the background all white. This is how it turned out. So which version does everyone like better, original or new?
They're both really amazing. but i think this one completes the effect. The new one wins by just a slight margin in my opinion. Really great job on the pic. I think I'm gonna save this one to my computer... EDIT: I just realized. This is what a spartan would most likely look like if he was fused with an energy sword. lol.
:happy: Thanks man. And yeah, now that I look at it, it's basically a spartan/energy sword cross-breed. lol.
I like the new one in that there is more white, the effect is more complete. But the old one had a certain flair to it, and the spartan wasn't as obvious.
I know what you mean. I had juicy on, nothing else, for the first one. I tried it again, but the problem was, for some reason, it was too bright, and the sniper was cut off near the tip. So I used Juicy, Gloomy and Colorblind and came up with the new one. Here's the link to the new one, I just realised I didn't post it.
I personally think it is perfect like that. The bit yellow makes it more interesting, the positioning is perfect in my opinion... Next 5/5, wth is going on?! Screenshot mastar... (I only think a different helmet would have looked better)
The goal was for it to look like lightning. I guess it worked. As always, thanks for the positive feedback guys.