Sorry to disappoint vorpal I think they are just going to be another one of the local, neutral teams you steal base territories and supplies from. But it would be interesting to play as flood (Gravemind anyone?) Hopefully they are lying. EDIT: It would be possible. Think of it this way: Flood Spores: Enemies that they manage to kill are resurrected as Flood. You have your normal Flood Troops like turned Marines and Elites. They are your equivalent to Grunts or Marines. You have those flood forms that can shoot those spikes in Halo 3. They are your anti-infantry. You have those tank like flood forms. They are big, powerful, yet slow. But they can inflict alot of damage. The Grave Mind would be your leader. Powers can include attacking from a distance, and boosting the health of your units. You may have limited units to use, but you can acquire alot of them and they are also cheap with supplies. This means that playing as Flood, your strategy is to keep constant pressure on your enemies to prevent them from expanding.
Giving the fact that the flood can take out massive amounts of anything and are feared so greatly by all... I think they can hold their own. edit: That does suck you can't play as them, but like I said, I think they could have hold their own.
Sweeny, you missed my hopeful side note that said "(as far as we know)". I hope the flood are just like the Rebels, because it might be fun to change it up a little. EDIT: Now that I think of it, they could be good because they could have their special attack be infecting the dead enemies, building your army stronger without wasting resources.
Plus I think they could have more health (or something) to balance out the fact they would only have foot soldiers. Here's what I think could be best: Flood Spores as scouts (+infect/revive) Human Infected as infantry (+6 per squad +high jump) Elite Infected as secondary infantry (+4 per squad +shields) Flood Spore Carrier as anti-vehicles (+2 per squad +make flood spore unit after death) Flood Pure Form: Tank as anti-infantry (+2 per squad) Flood Pure Form: Archer as anti-air (+3 per squad) Gravemind as leader (+regen +faster production +moral support ~making flood units stronger) -as for things you build on to a base: +supply area (supplies) +flood basic barracks (marine/elite) +flood advance barracks (spore carrier/pure forms) +Gravemind temple (like the covie temple) +research area (to research things for the overall army)
Is the gameplay anything similar to Star Wars Empire at War? I played that game a few years ago and the gameplay was good. That's exactly what it looks like.
I actually own that game. It is kind of similar. Like when you get troops you get a battalion. And you can only build on build pads
^ Cruel.... Anyway, I love this game. I was playing Heroic, and won when I should not have. My first base fell apart, and they had a massive force. Luckily, I had produced 3 vultures, 3 Hornets, and a nearly fully upgraded Elephant. I got out of there before they attacked my second base, and I destroyed theirs. But I lost mine, so now I had no more resources and a countdown timer. Well I build my base at their old one, and then went on a spree with my army, destroying everything of theirs and 3 additional bases, with only my 3 Vultures (everything else kinda got obliterated...) Honestly, Vultures are the best.
It might be possible, if you read into it Ensemble Studios said they've got a tiny team committed to DLC for Halo Wars even though they're gone as an overall company. EDIT: 'Fallen Hero' beat me to it as I was posting
However, you can produce 3 Vultures early on in the game. Way faster than a Scarab. I haven't pit the two forces against each other, but if 3 vultures can take down an entire base in a matter of seconds, I don't know if a scarab will stand a chance.
I just DL'd the halo wars demo. I have to say its pretty fun. The only thing that bugs me about it is the way the camera works.... its gonna take a long time to get used to. i think moves too fast, and i don't like the way it zooms in. I think there should be more control over the camera angling. other than that, great game so far as i can tell. lots of explosions and death. muhuhahahah.
Go into the Options menu, and from their you can adjust it's speed, stickyness, etc. I usually slow it down, because if you hold down LT you can move really fast to get around the map (basically, just tap the direction you want to go to, and you'll be there). But you'll get used to it. At first I had trouble, it it is quite comfortable for a Console RTS.
It appears so, for the Captain and the Prophet at least. Who knows what you get as the other Leaders. But, it is a demo, so possibly larger Unit Caps will be seen, but who knows.
I don't know anything all the way up to level 10. I think the scarab requires the most, and that is like 6 or something. If you can keep going, then I am curious to see what you can acquire, because with tech level 6 I can dominate with UNSC (for a noob at RTS at least).