This was locked before, but after reconsideration, a moderator has let me put this into the debate forum. _____________________________________________________ First of all, There have been many worries about what will happen to Foundry, Avalanche, etc. maps upon the release of Sandbox. Should there be a way to divide all Sandbox maps from others so that the other maps will not seem nonexistent? This brings in another part. Will this even be a problem? _____________________________________________________ Rules: -Do not use signature -Rules _____________________________________________________ Feel free to come up with your own ideas. _____________________________________________________ Important Quote: Source I'm throwing this out here. You can respond however way you want (with the exception of the rules). . EDIT: What do you think now? CLICK HERE
Umm.. Did you read the thread? He is talking about a sub forum for Sandbox maps. Not for Sandbox ideas. Personally.. I don't think this is necessary. However the "Non Foundry" prefix could be updated to "Non Foundry/Sanrbox) so it includes Sandbox. H
My bad, I swear earlier it said ideas I think it could be a ood idea as the map is designed for forge and other maps arnt exactly design for forge except foundry which has lots of flaws in forging..
or just do this: Foundry Sandbox Non Foundry/Sandbox as the new tags so you can easily sift through... say, competetive maps and see in the name of thread if its foundry/sandbox/something else
Quoted from the original thread this is based on that got locked; For context, original thread here Me;That's stupid tbh. Does this mean we should have had a sub forum for Foundry? And if not, should we now make one? I mean there are wayyyy more maps in Foundry than any other map at the moment. What about the maps made on Blackout that get drowned by the Foundry maps, etc... This would just make things more confusing... Let alone unnecessary. _______________ If it's a good map, it'll get noticed. If it's crap it wont. If he really cares about wanting people to like it, hold off for a couple weeks? Same thing happened when the Leg DLC came out, but no sub-forums was made for them. I mean there's plenty of good Blackout maps, I can think of an excellent one made by Mallet. Not to mention all the really cool Avalanche ones. Still, no sub-forum. Foundry maps were still being made and posted, and the good ones were still noticed. Waste of space, unnecessary.Linubidix;Reynbow pretty much summed it all up. :lock: Adding an entire new sub-forum purely for Sandbox is unnecessary. Additionally, also as Reynbow said, if a map is truly great it'll get the attention it deserves.
EDITED BY RC ~ Don't take personal vendetta's to other threads. reynbow did have a good point that if sandbox has a sub-forum so should foundry but the thing is, theres no map yet that has been DESIGNED FOR FORGE, this forum is a forging forum, tbh it deserves a sub forum
Add a tag for Foundry in the map sections like how there is Non Foundry tags right now. Or make a sub forum because there is going to bee a ton of maps for Sandbox ASAP.
There's no real intrinsic value to Foundry, nothing special about it worth saving, it's just a tool for the forger. If Sandbox pushes Foundry to the wayside then we should let it happen, it would be an indication that Foundry is obsolete. I mean, the problem here basically solves itself. Maybe Foundry becomes outdated, so then there's no reason to worry about it anymore, who cares. Or Maybe Sandbox fails to fulfill its destiny as the ultimate forge map and there ends up being some kind of role left for Foundry to fill, so you end up with a naturally healthy competition between the two maps, with no need to prop either one up. Also consider how much less intuitive browsing the map section would become if we had two types of categorization competing against one another. And separating maps by original canvas is something we should really stay away from, as far as categorization goes it just makes no sense. You're immediately separating maps without considering the actual substance, and that isn't helpful to anyone since the substance or function of the map is what people are generally looking for. It would be like owning a video rental place and then, instead of separating your movies by genre, you categorized them by the state in which they were filmed.
QFT and I loved your hypothetical scenario. Though to be fair we do already have the "Non-Foundry" tag soooooooo, I dunno, that could become problematic since really everyone should use it on their Sandbox maps. We're going to see an influx of this tag once Sandbox is released (and into the foreseeable future) so surely some re-structuring of the tags is required, in some fashion. My own personal thoughts would be to lump Foundry and Sandbox together, since they're both maps that were designed for forge, I don't know what the tag would be called but that's how it categorise it. The actual tag itself would be "Non-WhateverTheHeckYouCallSandboxWithFoundry" since those are going to be created less frequently and the idea is to not have to tag something rather than to always be tagging your map (Hence why we have a "Non-Foundry" tag rather than a "Foundry" tag, otherwise you'd be putting "Foundry" tags on your map threads all the time, tedious much?) In conclusion, no tags for Foundry or Sandbox but a tag to represent "the Rest". Like what we have now but so that we don't have Sandbox included in "Non-Foundry". As I've said, I've no idea how you come up with a quantifiable name for this tag though. Suggestions? lol! EDIT: Lol I tought of a tag name. Bungie referred to Sandbox as being Forge++, so Foundry was Forge+ so therefore the 2 maps are of the category ForgePlus. So the new tag should be "Non-ForgePlus" for the other maps. Problem solved! Gimme Cookie!!!
I don't think a prefix would be necessary. Do we have a prefix for Foundry? No. I think Buddhacrane's idea would be the best resolution to the problem, if it even ends up being a problem.
Alright, since I don't seem to see much of a debate, I'll add a little spice: First of all, to bring in my perspective: Sandbox is a multi-tiered map with three different forging spaces. We have: Middle Area - Good for creating open vehicle type maps (racing, infection, etc) Sky Box - Good for creating maps with boundaries (Guardian, Epitaph, Narrows, etc.) Crypt Area - Good for making Foundry type levels (Grifball, small infection maps) I know that we don't want to start classifying user created maps by original bungie made maps, but I don't think it can be avoided. Sandbox is a map with way more possibilities than any other. When it comes down to how people see maps, they will want to see a Sandbox made map because it holds such possibilities. So adding a prefix will only hurt in the way that it will make users want to click on it more than other maps. This is where I think a sub-forum should come in hand. Sandbox is larger than we think... I think if we add something in the sub-forum then we can have a greater variety of bungie created based maps. But we can still wait... if it gets to an extreme only then should there be added a sub-forum. Here's a helpful quote just for thinking about: Spoiler source
Why don't map posts just have a prefix that says what map it is? In Sandbox's case, just put Crypt, Sandbox, or Skybubble as the prefix. This seems like the obvious solution to me, so am I missing some part of this?