WBFC is the Contest that will unveil the WORLDS BEST FORGE CREW. I am thinking of starting a huge contest, called WBFC (worlds best forge crew) . Everyone in forgehub would be able to tryout for the contest, in a group. (2-5 players per group). What would happen is out of all the groups that tryout for the contest, only 10 of the groups will be chosen for the contest. Every 2/3 weeks there would be different comptetions and tests, that would test there map making ability, ending in one group getting eliminated every test. Eventuallly, there will be one group who passes every test, and will be crowned the WBFC. I still need to think of more rules, and make this contest more.. Important. I am writing this thread, to ask you, the community, for some feedback. What additional information could i add to make this contest.. Interesting. Also would people actually participate in this contest. Please if so, just let me know, and i will set it all up. I am also in need of judges, and people to help look over this all with me. So anyone who was any suggestions, feedback, or wants to help out, PLEASE let me know. Also, if you all wish for me to proceed with the contest, i will state more of the rules, and ideas i have for this contest. Thanksz, Triple08 EDIT: 2-3 weeks was an example, probably i will make it closer to 5 weeks. But i dont want to make too long tests, because if i eliminate only 1 person a test, and have a test every 5 weeks, that will be like 9 tests x 5 weeks = 45 weeks in total. by 45 weeks, everybody will be BOREDD out of there minds. Thats the problem. in order for it to work that way, i would need to eliminate more then 1 group a test? Suggestions Again.? EDIT:EDIT: If you are willing to join, private message me, so i will let you in on further details.
First off, I doubt you would get many groups to really do this. Second 2-3 weeks is rushing a good map, you need a better time limit.
This is what im looking for. This is a really good idea, and i am asking you guys, the community, if you would actually be interested in doing this. And 2-3 weeks is just an example, for the actualy competition, i will make it bigger.
Well, I'm not much for forging anymore, I wouldn't participate, but if you made this thing real legit, so a lot of people knew about it, then I'm sure you would get enough "crews" to do the contest.
we already did something similiar to this... Premium members got together and worked on a map. It has been months and its still not complete, and even when it is, its gonna be like "Wtf?". Great map makers have different styles, and sometimes those styles clash, for the worst.
2/3 weeks is way to short of time dude. To make a very good map it takes a while and alot of Forging. You gotta give them more time to do things and get the map set up. It can take a good week to come up with a good design that is different from everyone elses.
This idea sounds great, I love user-created contests. I'd like it if it was done in groups of 3 and you had the option to chose any map, gametype, and playstyle (competitive, casual, etc.). You have 5 weeks to finish the map, prep it, test, and fix it. If you need help, let me know. =)
See guys, constructive critisism. Instead of all of you saying i cant do it, why not say what i can do to make it better, and offer help.
Is there any kind of reward for winning? I don't think anybody would do this just for fun, because it will most likely be more aggrivating than enjoyable. Maybe offer some microsoft points to the winning team or somthing. You're going to need more of a catch to get people to join up.
True Say. Another thing i am not so sure about. I will look into finding some sort of reward for the winning crew. Would Microsoft points be the most desirable reward?
Its just one of the easiest things to transfer over the interwebs. And we are all about xbox here lol. Either that or a month subscription, but thats not as popular.
I am From Canada. And i imagine most people playing are from america. If the Winner ends up being an American, i cannot transfer microsoft points. I am only able to transfer to Canadians. There might be a problem there.
Yeah, that canadian transfer thing sucks. I suppose you will either have to just not offer a prize, or find an alternative then. Sorry mate.
I would like 3 months and points. Thats all that is easy to give over the internet. But it dose not seem like a contest that alot of people would do, mainly b/c its not legit.
Thats the thing, i need to make it legit. People don't ever participate because im a low rank, but if a mod or a premium made this, it would be participated by everyone.
Sadly you do have a point. Alas, I would be far too lazy to organize something like this, but if it ever does go ahead as you planned consider me a participant (if I can get Felipe to participate on my team, XD). Perhaps you could make it a Sandbox contest and set the deadline to be three weeks after Sandbox's March 3rd release to N. America? A Sandbox competition would garner a lot more attention than a Foundry one or even a multi-map competition seeing as it's the next new thing. Though I would love to participate in a multi-round contest, the majority of ForgeHubbers are probably going to be fairly busy with schoolwork and the like seeing as May/June is exam season and teachers are desperately trying to get everything taught for tests.