Sandbox Discussion - Watch your spam.. (Interview links in OP)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Something., Jan 16, 2009.

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    Senior Member

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    yes you will. you are misunderstanding it.

    Deleting an objecct from the default layout has no effect on the OLN, only the run-time maximum of that specific object.

    So if you know you won't be using Choppers on your map, feel free to delete them, and it won't hurt your OLN at all. In fact, it will help it. Just be aware that if at a later time you wish to add choppers back in, you won't be able to put the number of them that you normally should be able to.

    Treat Sandbox like an already glitched Foundry Canvas
  2. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    No I think you are misunderstanding it. Or we both are. Hell who ****ing knows. Sarge explain it in another thread that makes some sense.

    Basically say there are 75 items on sandbox. If we do not delete them we will have an item limit of 175. If we do delete them we will have an item limit of 100. Now if the OLN works the way they are saying, then we won't be able to get that 75 back as something else more vital to our map design.

    IT doesn't mean if we can have a total of 6 choppers but delete the two that are already on the map we will from then on only be able to place 4. It means that we will be two less on the total number of all items we can put on the map.

    Like say you're not going to have your map set up for CTF. Not counting start points and respawn areas because the number of those vary from map to map and I have no idea how many would be on default sandbox, you have team 1 flag spawn and flag return, team 2 flag respawn and flag return and then a neutral flag spawn and flag return. That's six items you won't be able to replace with something else. Respawn points are ok because they work or all gametypes. But things that are specific to CTF that you don't need will be using up item space.

    I might be making this bigger than it really is but we won't know until the maps come out, But imaging how much better maps would be now if deleting all the items on foundry did not leave us with the 100 item limit but the 100 item limit plus the amount of items on default foundry.
  3. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    so many things about this statement make me sadfaic.


    Senior Member

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    they said nothing about deleting items affecting the OLN.. they said it would affect that item. far as i recall, anyway
  5. Tru7h

    Tru7h Ancient
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    I can't wait for this map, and why do people hate so much on Halo Wars? It's an awesome game!
  6. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    See I got it the other way around. They said nothing about it affecting that specific item.

    Look at it this way, if it affects all maps (which it now seems it may not) have you ever not been able to place all 24 double boxes on Foundry? No, yet there are so many of them in its default set up.

    EDIT: Just want to make something clear. I'm not disappointing in Sandbox. It's a great map and will provide a much needed boost to forging activity and capabilities. I only have two issues with it, one being the OLN subject and the other involving the limits on the KillBalls. Everything else with this map is beyond my expectations of it and I am greatly anticipating it's release.
  7. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    I tdoes not affect the specific item... only the total. As a computer programmer, this is obvious... please stop arguing over the topic and move on to more important matterz... it affecting a specific object is the dumbest thing I've ever heard... (obviously that's an exageration)

    Senior Member

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    well as a staples employee, you are wrong. i think ill use the fact that im a staples employee whenever i post now :p

    jk.. yall may be right, but im skeptical. we shall see.

    yeh the killball is definitely an odd addition. Im pretty anxious to see how people implement it.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    I really wanted a killfloor. *Sigh* Boarding action will have to wait.
  10. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    *cough* blackout *cough*

    And I was right luca, I knew there would be two...
  11. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    I'm happy for the limitations of everything... again I must say... the more limitations the less amount of noobish maps there are. I do realize on the flip side that we could have more quality maps... but they will just be MUCH harder to find... I am definitely looking forward to Sandbox... the more limitations the better. COME ON BUNGIE!!! lol... sorry guys... And I will find a nice gametype for the kill ball...
  12. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Well you can forge on High Ground if you want all those limitations.
  13. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Well you know what? I think I will :p... and I have many times before... new maps are cool and all, but I'm looking for new mechanics like the kill ball and the dynamic lights. I don't care too much about the new objects. Meh... just because a map will look different won't change anything you've still got to get as creative with layout and what not, and I know only a few that will utilize the materials in Sandbox to the max... (like creeping death) That's why I look forward to map packs... for more functionality in the items, not exactly shape and size and quantity...
  14. Tru7h

    Tru7h Ancient
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    I can't wait use the Killball, I have the perfect thing to use it for, a Donkey Kong map! I hope it has the ability to roll down hills.
  15. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    It's an immovable object.
  16. Lostcowbot

    Lostcowbot Ancient
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    I'm gonna make a map with platforms in an enclosed arena and when you fall off the platforms you fall into the mine field and die.
  17. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Okay everybody that is freaking out about the OLN needs to check here.

    I knew I'd seen this before, I just had to go find it for everyone. Honestly we beat it in Foundry so I'm sure we can beat it in Sandbox.
  18. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I kno! Having limitations somehow makes the experience last longer.

    And as u said later, it's always nice to have new objects. I like the new pallet and stuff, but I don't like the new techniques. Techniques are bad, and if u don't use the newest ones then people don't care as much, so u kinda feel obligated to do it, then it's just not as fun.

    Peer Pressure is bad.

    p.s. I made a new avatar, what do u think???
  19. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    No, they specifically said it effected the OLN. Because even the spawn points in the map when deleted will then later lower your object number. They have no run-time max or min.

    We're just going to have to be careful with how we place and handle these things.

    Waylander's got it right.

    I was playing the Halo Wars demo last night and I'm pretty addicted. I think I'll be picking up the Legendary edition for Sandbox now!
  20. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I seriously don't know how you guys are talking about this in such detail. It really doesn't matter, just as long as someone makes an unlimited budget we should be ready to go.

    wait, can't the killball kill yourself if you're holding it too close? That's going to suck. I can just see it, you're laying the last part in the whole map over a giant cliff, when all the sudden. Dead. And you lose the killball over the cliff (maybe outside of bounds) and you can't spawn it back due to the object limit.
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