Hmm.. now that I think about it, it doesn't seem practical. Sure you can do it in Halo 3, but that's different. We're talking about balance. And I did not know you could put troops in an Elephant. Care to explain how?
You don't actually put them in an elephant. The elephant is like a portable baracks. Move it where you want it to go, then press Y. It will then mount itself in the spot. Then select it with A, and spawn troops at your will. Has anyone used the Pelican yet to carry troops across the map? I am curious as to how well that works.
That I have tried. I didn't make it travel far, but as far as I know, it could only go to places you have been before, or where you already are. You can only pick up 1 unit at a time though.
I want to lock a hall and spawn about 10-20 upgraded grunt units. Then when I get attacked, I let 'em lose.
i play predominantly as the covenant now, so the weird little trick stuff i never got to for the UNSC. The covenant forces just own so much. I think there will be a nice amount of mixing it up with the 3 covenant and 3 unsc characters. I cannot see myself getting sick of this game should i be playing against/with people.
As far as I know, it can at least pick up Warthogs. I have yet to try and pick up Scorpions, Cobras, and Wolverines.
I agree, there may be 2 sides, but there are 6 leaders. The difference between the Commander and the Prophet is so immense. The commander you get to heal (helps alot), MAC gun, and set global regrouping flags. The Prophet, however, gets Royal Guards (I suck with them, but they are a pain in the ass in mass) and the Cleansing beam. However, the prophet is an actual unit, so you have to watch him. It will be interesting to see how different they all are. But I am most interested in how 3v3 will work. Right now, I imagine epic to the highest degree. I mean, look at the fights in a 1v1? Now imagine that x3. It will be lots of fun, and this game will be amazing.
ill probably stick with the prophet, and use that hot chick from the campaign as my UNSC leader. Everyone will steal the Elite as the commander so im not gonna bother.
I wonder if we'll get a bigger unit cap in the final game. 30-40 is pretty big, but I think in some instances it won't be. I should be at least 75. If it doesn't change, I'll still be happy. But who else is excited to play on Blood Gulch? I am.
It is understandable why they have such a cap. That way their isn't too much on screen, causing lag, or from people getting to powerful. It means you have to decide what it is you want, and stick with it. However, maybe bumping it up some (even at the cost of supplies) to 50 or somewhere around there would be better. But who knows? They obviously have their reasons. And I am interested to see what Blood Gulch is like. It obviously won't be set up exactly like the Halo CE map (I hope not at least) but I would like to see what it will look like. EDIT: Yes, the maps may be larger, however I think the unit cap will remain at 40. This just means that different people can control units more precisely. However, I would hope that it increases the size of everything, therefore the epic.
I guess we'll see. I kinda hope Blood Gulch is the same though. It will feel sort of nostalgic. But it will also remind me of Bungie not ever making a Blood Gulch/Coagulation remake for Halo 3. :'( But I won't cry here.
they did soo many things right, in the RTS sense, the Rtrigger to cycle though individual units of your selected army it ingenious, it used to be a hassle to try to get certain units to attack other units that they were specifically designed to kill, but its sooo much easier in halo wars. Anyone else bummed that a fully uprgraded hunter pair still struggles to take just a few squads of marines, and you cant press Y to have them charge the squads, warthog style
Another useful technique to select a certain type of unit is to double tap "A" on a single unit. It will then select all units of that type. I find it way useful when I want to keep some units defending my base or to flank the enemy.