Thank god indeed. I wonder what this new survival mode would be? But yeah, I got tired of running through the same few maps over and over again.
I'm guessing never ending waves of increasingly difficult hordes of zombies, similar to Horde in GoW2 or **** Zombies in CoD:WaW.
Maybe, I think they might try something different than everyone else though. On a side note: Have you ever tried just staying in the safe room at the beginning of the level? You have to open the door first or all the zombies will quit, but just make sure you have the door covered and two or three friends and this can get ****ing hilarious.
I've done this several times, and I assume you are talking about Versus. Usually if my team does it then the other team will as well next time, although almost everytime a friend is on the infected team and we will let him in with us and we just chill in there while the rest of the infected are like "Wtf?" Also, I too am hoping they do something different, I'm just guessing on what it might be. Besides, you can get the same effect easily in the game: 1. Call rescue vehicle 2. Wait through horde, tank, second horde, second tank. 3. When rescue vehicle arrives, don't get on.
Haha I'm gonna have to try that. I hope if it is a Survival wave mode, that you get an actually good place to hide out in. I was tired of the places you fight in being to open and easy to get into for the zombies D:
MAJOR let down Valve. They said big DLC coming out with new scenarios, weapons, boss infected. All we get is Death Toll and Dead Air on Versus and some Cheesy sounding unoriginal Survivor Mode(Like **** Zombies) Isn't the game already pretty much a survivor mode? I mean come on. I was also hoping for a practice mode for the Special Infected, where you could choose which one to practice with and go against A.I. bots with no respawn time.. I hope future DLC, if any at all, are better than this. Valve is also going to charge for this DLC.
First of all, you are wrong. If you payed an ounce of attention in the article it said it was adding two new maps in versus mode. If they were adding the already existing campaigns into versus, I'm sure they would have specifically said that. Plus, VALVe has already said they have plans to implement Dead Air and Death Toll into Versus with a patch, not DLC. Second of all, could you please point me to some information saying that the DLC will not be free. While I am leaning more towards the opinion that it will cost money, you have no information to back that with. Also, VALVe has said time and time again that they dearly wish they could release their DLC for their games free of charge on the 360, but Microsoft won't let them because they have to host the DLC and that costs $$$. Third, they have not revealed what survival mode is, so you have no proof that says it is anything like CoD's **** Zombies. Finally, they promised new scenarios (which are going to be included), new weapons, and new infected. They never said when they would be released, so maybe have just a little bit of patience. If they aren't in this DLC pack, you can probably bet on them being in a future one.
I read it on the actual site. they said they are adding Death Toll and Dead Air to Versus, and adding that survival mode. I don't know if it will be like **** Zombies, but the ****ing name kinda gives it away.
It would be sweet for if in survival mode in between waves you could use money you make from surviving to upgrade barricades from like scrap wood-wood-metal-titanium you know what I mean
But they don't have a money system do they? I thought it was just only able to place a certain amount of items.
I'm not exactly sure how it works, but I've seen a mod where you can spawn boxes and stuff to make forts.