| Halo 3 gets Mythic Map Pack Looks live microsoft got confused. Look at the left hand side, It says get mythic map pack now on: marketplace etc. Whoops microsoft? It doesnt say in the post the release day of the maps on marketplace tough EDIT: Thread requested to be locked..
I am not quite sure what you are taliking about. it says that all the time. It is just advertising not getting confused. They even say "The third and final halo 3 map pack is heading our way soon!" This leads me to belive that it is just advertising!
They're not advertising it's out, dude. They are saying it will come out when Halo Wars is released on the 27th.
What the hell are you talking about... You mean this? ... That's just a slogan you fool. This thread is made of fail...
Umm no its not, I said that their advertising its out which they are, its a fault on their behalf, they can remove it im sure they can, but they didnt and I was posting that..
No it is a slogan for the whole marketplace section on Any article you view will have it in the corner.
No, you're just a moron. I read the whole page, and tried to find what you're referring to. But in no way does anything on that page make me think that the map pack is out already. It's advertising for that map pack being included in Halo Wars. And the map pack as a DLC. That's it. I have no idea what you're talking about. Nothing on that page is or even seems wrong. What the hell?
So then they have posted it to early, they shoudl shurley have a system that lets them choose if that advertisement is on, and the title of it makes it sound like its out, check recent news on my xbox section for title...
WHAT THE HELL!!! NO. You're an idiot. It's a SLOGAN! It does not say "get mythic map pack now on: marketplace" as you have incorrectly stated in your OP. A SLOGAAAAAANNNN. You are interpreting it completely incorrectly. You're a moron. This is advertising for the DLC coming up with Halo Wars. The slogan on the left is a slogan on the left. It's all over the site, it's part of the ad for the Marketplace. It's not saying that the DLC is out now. IDIOT!
LOL your passionate. Work on your insults. I havnt said its not a slogan and I havnt said its not all over the site, I have said they could have removed it, their advertising something that is not out yet. "Moron"
Oh my god... That's more reason to advertise it you douche. What the **** a move trailers for you idiot?! You advertise things before they come out so people know about them. What the ****?! Are yo useriously that mentally retarded that you can not understand this simple concept of advertising an item for sale before it comes out so people know that it will be coming out. It even tells you when the release date of Halo Wars is in the advertising so you know when to get it. You seriously have some kind of ****ing weird ass mental disorder if you think Microsoft should take this advertising off their site because the DLC isn't out yet. Wow, just wow. People get stupider ever year.
I bet your crying at how "stupid" I am You seriously need to calm your ass down. You arnt getting my point. I said their advertising that it is in the marketplace, not advertising for it as in a preveiw they actualy say its there in the marketplace END OFF
Uhh no they are not you fool. No where at all on their website does it say that it is currently in the marketplace. ****ing moron.
It practically does not. And I'm not fighting a loosing battle... LMAO! Basically what you're saying is that you, a child, knows better then Microsoft the corporation. Who hires lawyers for millions of dollars, who hires hundreds upon thousands of people around the world to maintain their website etc... etc... If they "practically" were saying it's up for download now, this would "practically" be false advertising and they would "practically" be told by law to take it down. The hell? You sir are an imbecile that thinks he knows better than all the people that work at Microsoft. What the **** dude, what the ****.
Weldone on your french, Im hurt, truely... Did I say I know better than microsoft rofl? This has turned into a whole different arguement, what I said in the first post is right and you thought you were right, which you werent and now your changing subject.
Oh now I'm changing the subject? My whole point was your complete misinterpretation of the ad. So back to the OP then? Well that's just a lie; Oh and after you were proven wrong you said you realised that it was a slogan but you're still saying that it says the DLC is released? Huh?! Whoops to what exactly? The website has nothign wrong with it, it's all correct. Oh maybe because the ad is for Halo Wars and the fact that the maps come with it. The ad isn't trying to sell the DLC. It only mentions that the soon to be Halo3 DLC is included with HaloWars. So what the ****, how am I trying to fight a loosing battle when your first post, the one you're telling me to go back to, is utter bullshit. Tell me I'm wrong? Who the **** are you...
Its not a missinterpretation, What I said sums up what it means, its telling you it is on the marketplace which it isnt. Whoops microsoft because they should have removed i untill it is actually released and no it isnt about halo wars, the article is about the dlc and it mentions halo wars in it, the article title on that lead me to this was talking about the dlc, so next time you do a big post trying to proove me wrong, do me a favour and make it shorter because ICBA reading the bull you type..