Anybody have any freezing problems after downloading? My 360 has frozen 4 times in the past 8 minutes since I downloaded it...
It's a strategy game, right? Anyways, I've always admired the Halo universe but I'm questioning that Bungie maybe has gone too far on this one. The only advantage I see to Halo Wars is that the Mythic Map pack comes with it.
It's a Real Time Strategy, and the only RTS I've liked was Command & Conquer Generals, and Spore... But this easily tops them.
Guess I'll be the voice of dissent and say that I thought the game wasn't much fun. Moving around the map and selecting units was intuitive and easy, as was menu navigation, so my gripe is not with the controls, it is with what they had to leave out to make those controls work. The low population cap, lack of commands, and pre-planned base structure kill the game for me. Its like RTS-lite, with good controls; which to me is a lot like saying a Smart Car has better handling than a Porsche. Sure, you're right, it has a great turn radius and you can whip the steering wheel around at top speed with no worries, but thats because the top speed is 45 mph. I know what I'd rather be driving. Could they really not implement attack-move at least? If I want to attack with infantry, I've got to go press X to move them, then press X again to make them shoot at the thing that's shooting them.
9 times out of 10 they are already attacking what is attacking them. It's just that most RTS players (including me) have mild OCD, and need to give them the command to attack the enemy. Overall, I thought it was pretty fun. Campaign was just boring, but skirmish is where it's at. During campaign it was like, "Go here, go here, attack this, go here,". There was no strategy to it at all. Skirmish was very fun though, however, the 40 level cap kind of bothered me. I thought the controls were definitely the best (normal) controls I've seen on a console. It was kind of a pain to select individual units, but maybe that's just me. I think it will be worth the buy.
Am I the only one getting frustrated by the fact that you can't look up? I felt like I was stuck in a room with a low ceiling! I was never any good at RTSs and Halo Wars is no exception. I tried a skirmish mission, sent in 2 warthogs to their base but they didn't do anything. Why? They were scout hogs and the only damage they could do was to themselves by ramming in to the buildings! Sure, it looked pretty funny but I think I'll stick with FPSs and wait until the Mythic Maps are on the marketplace
Errr, it's an RTS. Have you never played them before? You start with a scout always, it's always been like that in Age of Empires [excluding the first AOE before the expansion]. Ensemble did make those games you know? Upgrade the scout, to give him a chaingun. It's VERY basic RTS gameplay, seriously. Also about the tight view thing, it hasn't really bothered me too much though I wish I could zoom out a little further. Not that big of a deal tbh.
I really like the gameplay and I'm definitely glad I preordered the LE when I did! A few people have complained about it now being very fun, but I really enjoyed every part of the demo. Haven't been able to try out Skirmish yet, but from what I've heard I should be in for a treat The only gripe I had was the camera controls. Not that they seemed a little tight or anything like that, but that you couldn't zoom in or out more. I'd love to be able to zoom right into the action so you could see it all around the same size as in H3.
RTS for dummies Wow, this met my expectations, which were very low. Firstly, its simpler than AoE1, it boils down to get resources, upgrade and then attack. Also THERE'S NO STANCES. So you seriously cannot set units to do anything, they can't defend, hold ground, be aggressive or guard other units. There is almost no cover, and units do not do anything to avoid being shot, sometimes they will stand there and wait until you order them to attack. The unit selection is downright ridiculous; the UNSC have 2 types of infantry(Marines[ODST later on] and flamethrowers), they can also get Spartans. Then there's 6 vehicles(including warthog and air vehicles); the elephant is classed as a mobile mini-base. The Covenant are slightly more varied, with 3 types of infantry and 2 different hero units. The vehicles are about the same. What I have to stress though is that the Covies are far superior; their vehicles and structures are harder to destroy thanks to energy shields. And their infantry have some serious power to them. But once UNSC get ODST they've pretty much won. There is also little-to-no customisation, all squads and units can only be upgraded. For instance, once I've upgraded my spartans with Spartan Lasers(AV), I can't downgrade any of them to the chaingun(AI). And all squads have no 1-man specific weapons like Dawn of War. All in all ****.
I find it funny that your complaining about balance when it's got no online multiplayer and about things that are only specific to the game that you mention.
Yes I know you start with a scout but in the first game I played what I saw was a big base and a warthog. I just made a silly assumption that the warthog, like all the warthogs I've played with since I started playing Halo, had a turret on it! Thats the other thing I didn't like too much, its awesome to see huge battles for up in the sky but sometimes I really felt like getting in close and seeing who was who and what was what. I know it would be a bigger work load for the Xbox but I was rather disappointed when I found out you can see huge battles from the sky but you have nothing to compare it to because of limited camera movement. As I said before, I'm going to stick to FPSs
Well you pretty much covered everything I was thinking from my previous page's post, but I couldn't quite figure out how to put into words. But hey, nobody will complain about poor controls since Ensemble simply removed functions from the game that they didn't know how to put on the controller! Simpler than AoE1 indeed.
I loved Starcraft: Brood War. I played it for many years. That is probably my "perfect" RTS. That said, I like this for different reasons. The simplified controls and commands make it easier to keep track of things and go. This game isnt the others, so complaining that it isnt identical is pretty rhetorical. My only complaint so far is the voice acting. Its okay, but the grunts voices and a few others are a bit off... they shouldve just gone the extra mile and hired the same people. Its halo.