Batlefront-like ship fight? (map idea)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ix LP xI, Dec 14, 2008.

  1. Ix LP xI

    Ix LP xI Ancient
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    Battlefront-like ship fight? (map idea)

    If you guys played Star wars battlefront 2, you surely remember those ship fight (you know, grab a fighter, board the enemy ship, destroy it from the inside or just annihilate it from the outside with a bomber). I wondered if a forged map like this was made. If not, is it possible or there aren't enough objects/budget to make it?

    More details: there is two ships that their cargo bay entrances are not facing eachother and those cargo bay are filled with banshees, hornets and guns (no rockets or laser). I think that Avalanche would be nice map to make it because you can put the ships where there is no ground below and you can put the two ships on each side of the central structure. Would be a great map for assault or CTF.
    #1 Ix LP xI, Dec 14, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2008
  2. The EAKLE

    The EAKLE Ancient
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    I tried this and i failed, but i think some one could do it. Make a map over the edge of avalanche or blackout, and make it so you cant get back to the main map. Then build ships floating in the air. Place banshees and hornets in them and with rockets and lasers. Aslo put turrets on the ships. Then play BTB on the map. I tried this but it turned out too sloppy. I may try again soon.
  3. Ix LP xI

    Ix LP xI Ancient
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    do you still have that map? maybe we can modify it
  4. The EAKLE

    The EAKLE Ancient
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    No it sucked so bad i deleted it.
  5. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    I understsand maby if I actually feel like playing halo 3 I will help you.
  6. NeonStalker

    NeonStalker Ancient
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    I know exactly what this idea is. I also tried once, failed of course. But I'm willing to try again though. If we get together on live we can try to make it. But I can't use mic.
  7. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    So it would be like Boarding Action but with aircraft!

    I think on of the biggest problems is the ground. You can't cover it with teleporters or man cannons which transport them over a cliff. Probably the best thing to do would be to have several mongooses on the ground as well as several teleporters around the map (or the area you want people to play in), then put a receiver node and a platform with a hornet/banshee high in the air, higher than the flight limit so it can only be recheaved via the teleporters.
    That way players can't jump to the ground and run to a teleporter to teleport straight in to the other teams ship, they go to a neutral position, with a vehicle to enable them to go to one of the ships.

    The idea sounds quite fun but I doubt it'll be very easy to pull off.
  8. Erisnas

    Erisnas Ancient
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    What gametype would you preferably use? While BTB would be interesting it would be air fights only something that while admittedly awesome isn't the main idea of the map. Assault might be interesting if done correctly, even has the possibility of the other ship being partially destroyed on detonation. For slayer a King of the Hill variant could be used so that it acts like slayer but if you hit the ground you lose a point as if you died.

    For constructing the map you could find one in the ascetical section and ask the creator if they mind you using it as a template. From there you just build a secondary ship to go from. As for ship placement (assuming it is Avalanche of course ) you could in theory build both off of separate cliffs. That way it is still possible to fall to your death and the ships do not have a direct line of sight to each other. This unfortunately might limit your space. I personally (as I will likely try to make a map such as this, you sparked my interest) would block off the bases and use teleporters so they are part of the ship. While you may not be able to do much with them you could find a few uses. Other than that I would try to make the natural openings to the ship as well as a few destructible points to give it a nice feel as well as alternate entry points.

    Playing should be interesting and work well for large parties. You might be limited by number of air vehicles but this may also be an incentive to have people stay and defend the base. Naturally turrets may be a problem, while there is a large selection many could be greatly overpowered if given a prominent spot. One could either give them "protection" blocking their view of crucial points or provide weapons that can take them out easier. The other method would be that players had to set-up their own turrets and other defenses. Whether through a switch or driving a vehicles in place this would make less coordinated teams a lot easier to break as well as being forced to use some strategy in where you place them.

    As for getting players back aboard ships. I personally would like a grav-lift idea that is easily defendable. This allows fallen teammates to be let back in but a vigilant team could keep others out. It would also have the potential of making some interesting sneaky boardings for against a lazy team.

    Well those are some of my thoughts on the subject. I would be happy to attempt this project either alone or with another Forgehubber if they are willing. I will likely stop in later and provide some more of my thoughts.

  9. TheKiNG1325

    TheKiNG1325 Ancient
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    that would be so much fun, i remember battlefront 1 was my first shooter. aahh the good ol days
  10. Val

    Val Ancient
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    Yes this is a good idea. I have thought of this briefly before but now youve gotten me thinking. You could easily solve the ground problem by making a gravlift like a covenant cruiser on each ship. The entry ways would need to be defendable. A hangar for each ship could be used for the boarding parties. Perhaps wraiths positioned in each ship could be used for cool ship vs ship fights.
    This is a good idea though id wait for the new maps rather than making a half complete one. There isnt enough objects to make it THAT epic. Patience. I have a million ideas that i want to explore but i wont. not yet
  11. Erisnas

    Erisnas Ancient
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  12. Ix LP xI

    Ix LP xI Ancient
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    i don't think there are enough objects available on that map to creat another whole ship...

    but the idea of using the bases as the ''interior'' of the ships is good... those big yellow doors to block the exits and a two-way teleporter that leads to the ''hangars'' with the vehicles, wich are in mid-air
  13. revenger 514

    revenger 514 Ancient
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    yea that would be a great idea but with the number of pieces i think it would be hard as hell with only 8 walls. of course im sure you could make one.
  14. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    Sandbox will probably offer this kind of map making. Because you can just get out of your vehicle and land on the ground. The death ball will porbably cure this.
  15. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Everytime I hear Kill Ball or Death Ball I keep thinking about Metroid Prime hunters on the DS... XP

    Honestly, I don't think the Kill Ball will be big enough to cover the entire ground level. That would literally be suicidal. o_O

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