I just played it, beat the campaign and one match of skirmish. It is like... awesome! It is so fun to play! Only one map is open for Skirmish though... I see Blood Gulch in there! I wanna play on Blood Gulch! This game is freakin' awesome and I now know I'm buying it for sure. The online matches will be epic.
The real game is 3v3. I believe that is the most amount of people for any console RTS. And, don't take my word n it but I thik there's campaign co-op.
Yes there is campaign co-op. In all honesty the demo to me was really impressive. The controls arent that hard to learn and the gameplay of it is fun. Sure it gets annoying waiting for troops to spawn out of the barracks but I can deal with that. And the fact that there are supplies in it makes it a bit more annoying. What I did with that was just build two supply bases and it all worked out really well.
Yeah, the came has online 2 player co-op and 3v3 multiplayer. Anyway, the demo was fantastic and I can't wait for the full game even more. I played through both levels of the campaign and one game of skirmish and loved it. I played Age of Empires III and this is about a million times better. Since there's only one type of resource and you can just make supply pads it's easy.
Wow i just played this i beat skirmish and the campaign. I really like the game so far, and i know there is much more to it. I like using the warthogs to splatter all of the worthless grunts.
Ya, there are two levels you can play in the campaign and two different teams you can use in skirmish. I only played skirmish on easy though, because I just started, but it was very easy. Its worth the wait
Supplies and spawning units are part of the main theme of RTS's... I just downloaded it and I'm waiting for my agonizingly slow internet to download it. Bah. I'm just looking at my random Xbox case that Best Buy gave me with my preorder...
I'm downloading now... It's about 45 percent done. I can't wait to play it. Ugh, I wish this didn't have to take so long to download.
There are 2 Factions with 6 playable armies. The 3 UNSC commanders play the same but they have something unique to that individual unit. For example, the Brute Chieften gets Brute Elites instead of the normal elites while the Prophet of Regret has Elite Honor guards. The UNSC and Covenent don't play alike, at all.
You are allowed to use Captain Cutter(UNSC) and the Prophet of Regret. Captain Cutter Unique unit: Elephant. Leader Power, MAC blast. Super unit: ODST. Bonus: All bases start at 1 higer tech level. Prophet of Regret. Unique unit: Elite Honor Guard. Leader Power: Cleansing. From the demo, the Elephant is a mobile barracks, the Elite Honor Guard are awesome at destroyng infantry and cleansing has saved my ass lots of times.
The only bad thing I would say about HaloWars is every time a cinematic comes up I keep thinking to myself, wow I wish I could get in there and start shooting them up, like in Halo3. And not only that, but if Ensemble studios, an RTS making company, can make cinematics looks this impressive, why have we not got a CGI Halo movie in the ****ing works. With people that have dedicated their lives soly to creating CGI cinematics...
I agree. Sadly, it is only at 42% so far, and I'll be off at a DeVotchKa show by the time it is done, so chances are I'll have to wait and play it tomorrow. But seeing so many positive reviews, it makes me really want to play this.
there will be a deathmatch gametype in the full game you start out with lots of supplies and its more about fighting
the cinematics were rather impressive actually. Beautiful work on those. The campaign cuts off and leaves me angry. I want to know what happens next >:[