The grav lift switch should be really helpfull for shortcuts that only humans, not zombies, can use. Thanks.
very nice helped me alot...i'm working on a fun map with elevators, switches and all sorst of cool stuff.
I gone some question on the torpedo. the grav lift part. when the first grav lift is destroyed the second one spawns.Thats the part i'm not did the second one spawns instants?
Grav Lift 1: Respawn - never; Place at start - yes. Grav Lift 2: Respawn - 180; Place at start - no. And set the Grav Lift Run-Time Minimum to 1. Then the second will spawn when the first is destroyed.
It probably could be made, what do you mean. Either make a thread here for help, join our newly made switch help group created on FH (Forge Hub Artificers), or go to H3A and ask.
I have a question that arose when I was playing the Saw V map. There is a trap in there where a crate is suspended by a custom powerup, and if this powerup is touched, the crate falls and instantly kills whoever is under it. I have mastered the dumpster trap, where, if the active camo or custom powerup is picked up, a dumpster flies out of its slot and kills whoever picked up the powerup. What i would like to know is how i would go about creating a trap that drops a crate when a powerup is picked up. I know what it looks like, but putting it together is a different story. I might try setting like a window panel on a crate then a crate over that, deleting the bottom crate, putting the powerup under it, then deleting the window panel, and setting up maybe a grav lift or man cannon to give the crate more power, but i am not sure. If you have any other ideas, let me know.
I had a random thought as I woke up this morning. (Had Halo on the brain because of a weird dream but that's another story) If you had two gravlifts pointed in opposite directions both set to not spawn at start with 180 respawn time but minimum on map was set to one, would destroying them every 20 seconds make them swap? As in destroy the one pointing left and the right one spawns, destroy that one and the let one spawns again.
no, the grav lift placed first has priority, if you destroy it, that one will just respawn, not the other one
Incorrect. When an object is destroyed, it has a natural time delay before it can respawn (even when set to instant respawn). Within that small amount of delay, the other lift will have been forced to spawn. The only problem with that system is if both are spawned at the same time, then you might run into a gray area... but thats only after 3 minutes. That could make for some interesting gameplay though! Throw a shield door in between the two grav lifts and you have a strategic gateway!