Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File DetailsHere is a game of paintball.You start out with covenant weapons cuz they look like paint.The rules are simple.Take cover behind an object and fire.Here is an overview.here is the mapBungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File DetailsAnd gametype actually the link for the game is up top.Made by ANDREW R123.Thankyou.
This post is technically up to standards but hardly anybody will download with a picture like that. What you should do is take some overview pics of your map without any of the effects and post them. Also please post a better description that will catch the person and make them want to download. Finaly choose a better name. Paintball is way too overused. Try naming it something like your favorite paintball arena's name. ~forgegod117~
its kinda hard to see the map, but it looks good of what i see, good job, 4.5/5 you should post some gameplay pictures
I cant say any thing exept more pic and longer description. Cant review anying thing if i cant see it, also reflects dl away, so got too fix that.
hey this was on bungie faavs i D/L it when it was their and this isnt your the picture just black to hid that it not yours so if it was your witch i played on id give it a 4/5 it has good symotry and i think i saw interlocking and geomerging dont rember tho dont steel people maps
I'm not sure on the rules but I'm pretty sure that you're only supposed to post maps that you make. I think this was also on Bungie Favorites and a lot of people would already know about it, so making a thread telling everyone about it is kind of lame.
Whoa it could be stolen? Thats not good. Is this map still on the bungie favs or is it off? Thuoght that we could check. :/
They just changed it...This map looks pretty good, as far as i can see. Looks original. I like the not use so many immovable objects, and everything is destructable idea. I'll DL to get a better veiw. And keep it if its good. Good job i gues.. 8.5/10 as I can see. BRB
No you guys, he actually said that someone else made it at the bottom of his post. So while he's being stupid for posting this in a showcase of things the poster has actually made, he's not stealing.
I'm sorry but without any good pics or even more pics I wouldn't want to download the map, I mean I have a paintball map too and by looking at the pic you posted here I would have to say mines better. Get more and better pics next time!
i really dont understand why people like this map, sure paintball arenas are somewhat scattered objects, but there is still thought put into where the stuff goes. looking at this one pic makes it seem like its just all movable objects put in a grid formation, not original at all. 2/5
Well since it is someone else's map, you shouldn't be posting it at all unless he told you that you could. And to everyone that said he stole it, READ. It says that Andrew R123 made it. Now onto the post and map. You really need more pictures, and without those effects. I can't tell anything from this one blacked out picture. Plus give us a LONGER description. How does the gametype work? Or is there one at all? I won't download because I hardly know anything about the map. 1/5 until you update your post with a better descrition and more pictures.
You know, from trying to look at the over-edited picture, this seems to be the Paintball map that got my attention the most. For some reason. I like all the symmetry to the map and that you have added sufficient cover. The map also looks pretty good for CTF. Not much people can tell what your map looks like, so I suggest putting at least 3 NORMAL pics. Nice job.