Warning This map was made on narrows so if you dont like pre-dlc maps just skip this post and move 2 the next post OK so recently ive been seeing plenty of conquest maps being uploaded so i decided 2 make a conquest map on a map that i have yet 2 see(remeber im fairly new here so there might have been in the past) this map is completely symmetrical and linear Download link: Bekon Download Link thoughts going into map i wanted 2 make a map that didnt require a special gamtype in order 2 play ( ex: Low gravity). so i made a map that requires only the gametype conquest. 2 me narrows seemed like the only logical map Gametype's Its set up for CTF, Assault, and obvisouly territories Weapons Brs - 6 Ar - 2 smg - 4 plasma rifle- 4 spikers - 4 plasma pistol - 2 the only thing i reccomed is play without gernades. due to the few items narrow gives u the cover there can be blown 2 hell with gernades but u can play with if u want. and so ppl dont try 2 gernade jump ok so now on 2 the pics This is just a really bad sketchup on paint 2 show u the layout of map. the blue stuff is the man cannons and the stuff inside the red lines is that map.the bridge is not used only the bottom portion- also the territories are marked: ok so this is one of the 2 symmetrical bases - (the overturned roadblock is suppose 2 be like weapon rack lol): So this is right after the base only one way out: ok so this is suppose to be about the best i could do for a defensive base on the second territory - protects in either direction: ok so here is the best cover that narrows allows- a crate lmao: ok so here is the central terriotry i tried 2 give it sum cover: lol ok so about the best barriors narrows gave me is teles so i had 2 make sum sort of death trap lol - notice that i forged it inside man cannon: Ok so after they appear in man cannon on either side they end up hitting this box lol 2 make it mean and funny i give them overshield and invis before ripping it from them or should i say watch them fall 2 their death lol: Remember download link at top
Frist post? But any ways, you supprised me with this. you got good object placement with a few twist. AND its non foundry!!!!! must say 4/5 for narrows!!
i applaud u for your attemp at a map on narrows, it trully is a hard map to forge on. just out of curiosity, how did you block the top off from the bottom, did u put boxes on the ramps or what? edit: lol, that was a fast reply 0.0
good effort to make a map on narrow witch never happens or it happens and it s bad but your map is pretty good for narrows looks like it would be fun for conquest very nice job considering the lack of item on narrows 4/5 nice job ill D/L and maybe play a couple game
i am not a big fan of the crates used as barriers but it isnt on foundry so i will forgive u. i can definately see why you would make this map, cuz it looks like tons of fun even if u arent using the whole map! from what i can see 4/5
This is probably going to have to be one of the best, and my favorite, narrows map I've seen! Great job. This definitely look worth downloading. Well done 5/5 for NON-FOUNDRY yay! EDIT: oh yeah if it doesn't have a download yet it's because I have to much space on my memory so just wait.
Wow, right as I am making a narrows conquest map this comes out.Mine is different in some ways though it still uses the main underground bridge for the middle territory. Anyways, the layout seems good. However I dont really like the weapons on the map. Not that there bad its just that their limited. You should include a sniper, brute shot, and more duel weapons for each team. Especially on Narrows because an AR just doesn't work. I'll take a look in forge mode to see the territories and spawns and if they are in order this could be a fun Conquest map.
the weapons is something i thought over and i didnt inlclude sniper,bruteshot, needler and sum other weps caz well i think they are just 2 powerful 4 narrows especially a smaller version of narrows
i hope you submit this to the conquest forge-off. This map i actually like. I didn't think that the map is actually really good. You took the limited resources that narrows gave you and made a playable map out of it. The cover is cool and the death teleporter is really nice. just a few questions. 1. Are there any grenades that can allow you to nade jump over the teleporters? 2. can you punch the boxes or are they secured with a teleporter or weapon holder of some sort. 3. are the pallets on instant respawn cause if there not there was not sufficient cover.
do u like this map and not like narrows or do u like narrows but not this map????????? anyway there are no gernades crates are held down and yes pallets are doubled up and set 2 instant respawn
quite impressive but i can't say anything about gameplay till i play it but i do like the looks, and yes i like the map...narrows sucks. Qued for Dl. Ill get a few games in!
Hey I saw this at the bottom of the front page and I really didn't want this map to get knocked off. Narrows? Good job dude. This looks really fun for Conquest and this looks almost feature-worthy. Great Job!
hehe thx man ..... lol ...... anyway only reason i made on narrows is cause the book of conquest thread had yet 2 have a narrows map now it does ...... yay lmao
"Ok so" lol you said that in like every single screenshot description. Anyways the map looks pretty fun and i like your tele-death trap its very creative. The map itself looks well thought out, given that it is on narrows and you dont have much to work with. Also i really like conquest so that makes it even more better. Ill have to download this once i get my xbox back. Nice job