Unlockable Avatar Clothes on the Way Who needs trophies when you can have trousers? by Ryan Geddes February 3, 2009 - Rare has confirmed that you'll be able to unlock clothing for your avatars in games, as soon as developers begin building that option into their games. In a conversation with VG247, Rare lead artist Lee Musgrave said. "In time… games will be able to give away clothes and accessories just like Achievements." It was our understanding from previous conversations with Microsoft that the option already existed as part of the New Xbox Experience and that we were simply waiting on devs to get around to incorporating it. "We are currently working with multiple partners who have expressed interest in using Avatars," added Rare producer Stacey Law. This is a true fact now apparently. I think this is going to be really cool. Just imagine some of the amazing things that these game developers are going to make. Just post some of your ideas for what you want them to make. Source:http://xboxlive.ign.com/articles/950/950570p1.html
Cool, hopefully other companies will use this to their full potential in the future. It would be funny to see clothing in Halo 3 ODST to dress your Avatar like a Spartan. It's good to see more customization in the Avatars clothing, it would be cool to have the clothing to unlock with the achievements.
i luvs hayabusha itz soooo awesome. lol. Yeah everybody would use the halo armor seeing as halo is on of the most played games on xbox live. if they made it actually challenging to get tho, then there wouldn't be a billion nubs going around with a spartan avatar thinking there so original like the other 999,999,999 people with it.
i personally love the idea, but i know the one piece of clothing i want to unlock will be for a game i hate. lol
I think that is neat, I wonder if there is any chance that games can do an update to incorporate this feature in already existing games.