In case any of you missed it, the demo for Halo Wars will hit the xbox marketplace for gold members on February 5th. Thats in only a few days. Just wanted to let you all know.
Oh really? I thought it was like the 15th or something... the 5th!? That's hooot! I can't wait I guese... I'm not used to seeing you as a Vanguard Silence... That's just. Weird...
I seriously can not wait to get the demo, It looked very fun from all the videos I have seen but the only thing i dont get is that on the dashboard there is a thing that says you get a flaming warthog for getting the game pre ordered or something, what does that mean? Like what is the flaming warthog?
Its like a coating or skin you get if you pre-order or something. Like your warthog will have picture of flames in the front. Think of it as Master Cheif being on the show "Pimp My Ride"
You get to unlock the warthog with flames on the front of it. Its just a bonus, like the golden gun in GoW2. Although there doesn't appear to be a turret on the back of the hog in the picture.
What warthog though, like a replica that comes with the game or like in the game your warthogs have flames on them?
it changes the game render. Instead of seeing a normal warthog, you will see one with flame details on it, if you're playing online, you will see the flame details and the other player may or may not. They also have "honor guard wraith" if you get the legendary edition, this will work the same way.
The flaming 'hog is basically a way to let everyone know you pre-ordered the game while looking stylish. Don't forget that you also have the honor guard wraith to let everyone know that you shelled out the extra money for the limited edition.
I'm looking forward to the demo. Maybe just maybe I'll finally be able to play an RTS I can actually play.
End War was just a disappointing game for me. Command and Conquer wasnt exactly my favorite either. The fact that this is set in the halo universe makes me want to play it like crazy.
Man, I'm so excited for this demo. It's even better that we're out of school tomorrow for snow so I have time to play it.