bungie is not going to make it anything too ridiculous. my guess is it will be hidden in the sand somewhere.
Unfortunately, I think I agree. I'm a huge fan of jumping and tricking. I was very disappointed that so many of the campaign skulls were not hidden aside from being "off the main path." The only skulls I can remember that involved any skill to find were Tilt (Cortana) and whichever one was off the highway on Tsavo. I wouldn't even count the one on The Ark...anyone even half-interested in easter eggs and Bungie's operations would have explored that bridge. But none of them were really that difficult anyway. I really wish they would give us some truly difficult challenges. They've since made it far too easy for us. Anyone else remember the old-school grenade piles and warthog launches of Halo: Combat Evolved? Man, those were the days. [/nostalgia]
I actually found the Ark one while playing normally, not looking for skulls. I just kind of randomly looked up and said "Oh, a skull!"
I found half the skulls just screwing around on a non-live account when I first got the game. I didn't get live until my RROD got fixed, but I had found more than half of them before I got the RROD. I also did almost all of the legendary campaign with about half of the skulls on. =) It would be nice if they allowed us to just place skulls on the map, after we've found them. That way you can use them as a physical weapon and not just an oddball prop....
I reckon it will be an oddball gametype were everyso often the matchmaking games they said they would do for the release of halo wars will be on like every month or so and you will have to do something crazy like have all the points in one match and win it, something aalong those lines, or they may have it hidden in a game of oddball so you gotta find it.. (with the oddball on as well) and they may have it randomly generate around the map so you cant release the location...
I think the sandbox skull will be placable, and cost the entire map's budget. To place it, you need to first delete everything on the map. Then pick it up. They'll all be on Youtube in a few months anyway.
Bungie will end up putting the skulls in the weirdest places and plus once one person finds a skull, everyone finds it becuase it ends up on the internet 5 minutes later anyway.
True. I wonder how many people will actually find the skulls on there own before everyone just goes to the interwebs for the answer. Check youtube. There are hundreds of guides for all the same skulls now.
are you telling me the one skull on the covenent where you have to jump through the rings was not hard to find.
I would have been your daddy? That, IMO, was only found because someone modded the game and fiddled with the code to find that there was a second skull. Otherwise I still don't think anyone would have found it for months.
Yeah, that'll work. I was thinking that they might hide it "under the sand". Like there would be a small hole, almost filled with sand and thered be a skull in it. Never know though.
One theory I saw in another thread for the Sandbox Skull was you had to place certain items to make the budget read 777. I quite like that theory and I think bungie might as well. I can see them tweaking with the costs o things so you had to have a certain number of a couple different items to get it.
There have been some pretty ridiculous theories about the Sandbox skull thrown around in the Sandbox discussion thread. Most of them are completely crazy and won't happen though.
They said you have about $510 left in the deault layout, and all the stuff in there would equal more than a couple hundred.
You're using the word "find" in a different sense. The IWHBYD skull was only found because modders opened "The Covenant" up in some Halo 3 equivalent of HHT and found the secret. I'm talking about real effort, not some obscure way of triggering the skull's spawn. Any legitimate Halo 1 trickster remembers spending hours gathering grenade piles to launch to the top of the blue beam towers. I wish Bungie had actually made it difficult, in the sense of requiring much effort, to find or obtain the skulls. IWHBYD had potential, but Bungie should have known modders would find the code. You can determine the map a skull is on by using modding software, but that hardly helps if you have no idea where on the map it is. It just seems like Halo 3 lacked the huge community hunts for easter eggs and such that Halo 1 and Halo 2 both had.