Q: What's Atlas? A: Atlas is a group over at Bungie.net run by Shishka. Forgers such as myself submit their map and if it passes all tests by Shishka and the Bungie staff, then it is inducted into Matchmaking for all to enjoy. Sounds easy, right? Wrong. So far one single map, Octoplex, has been added to matchmaking. Well thanks to everyone's efforts here, they are much appreciated! I have finally posted Gridlocked over at Atlas, which can be viewed here.
I'll download it right now. there shouldn't be anything hugely different to the one I just played so I'll have a few test rounds and I'll come back. The entire layout hasn't changed right? Because if it hasn't, then it should play perfectly fine.
Atlas is the group used to submit maps to be elligable for the Halo 3 Matchmaking playlists. The maps on playlists (such as the Living Dead, Lone Wolves, etc...) are submissions into Atlas or maps made by bungie members.
I love this map, and I feel it would be a great addition into ATLAS. If there is anyway to help, I will.
DTL, are you asking people to download and test it themselves or to join a game with you and test it?
Atlas wants maps that support all gametypes, a big reason i believe octoplex or whatever got into it, but i would like nothing more than to see ths in matchmaking <3, this probably has the greatest chance of making it on on FH.
The biggest thing that could affect you getting into matchmaking is the fact that it looks good. You should probably take out ANYTHING that contributes to aesthetics or is there for no gameplay purpose. I'm not sure if you've been paying attention to the Verbatim problem but Shishka really hates random aesthetic pieces. I've played on this map so many times... I mean if this can't make it into matchmaking, nothing from ForgeHub can. BTW, you guys got owned by me last night I watched Eagle Eye right after that game.
I'm asking people to test it themselves. Opinions can be swayed when I'm in the party playing it with everyone. I'm looking for harsh, unbiased opinions. And I'd like to note that this thread is only for the discussion of Gridlocked. Thank you!
I think you need to open this up to more gametypes if you're asking the community to play it and give feedback. It's a solid all-round map, but I feel it plays better for objective games like CTF and Assault. I really liked Territories as well, but I realize that isn't even registering in current Matchmaking. Here's the current list of Team Objective gametypes. Multi Flag CTF (20.8%) - Players attempt to capture the opposing team's flag. First team to three captures wins. 15 minute match time limit. Multi Flag BR (14.9%) - Players attempt to capture the opposing team's flag. First team to three captures wins. Players spawn with Battle Rifles and Assault Rifles. 15 minute match time limit. One Flag (12.6%) - Round-based Capture the Flag, where one team attempts to capture a flag while the other team defends it. Most captures after four rounds wins. Four minute round time limit. Assault (9.3%) - Teams score points by successfully detonating their bomb in the opposing team's base. First team to three successful detonations wins. 15 minute match time limit. One Bomb (11.9%) - Round-based Assault where teams alternate attempting to detonate a bomb and defending the base. The team with the most detonations after four rounds wins. Four minute round time limit. Neutral Bomb (5.6%) - Teams vie over a single bomb, scoring points by detonating the bomb in the opposing team's base. 15 minute match time limit. Team Oddball (13.8%) - Hold the oddball for points. First team to 100 points wins. Players spawn with Assault Rifles. Ball Carrier Traits: 75% walking speed. 12 minute match time limit. Team Crazy King (11.2%) - Stand in the hill for points.150 points to win. Hill moves randomly every minute. Players spawn with Assault Rifles. 12 minute match time limit. I say get people to play these as well, especially One Bomb. Can't hurt to have as many gametypes as you can at the ready, because Gridlocked should absolutely be in Matchmaking.
The only gametype that I think Gridlocked would work too well with is Oddball, just because the map is so big, but I could be wrong. I really should tweak the Nuetral Bomb spawns, I know this map has great potential for it. *runs back to the lab* muah ha ha ha ha.....
i'll try to help out as much I can. Question though. Should I download this map or can I just use the one from like a couple months ago?
Definitely use the one in the topic above. The changes are small, but cause a large difference in gameplay.
I don't think they're looking for any rumble pit maps at the moment. I suppose if a map worked well enough for the gametype they'd add it.
I assume you fixed those breaks I showed you aaaaaaaaaages ago. If you haven't I suggest you take a look at that vid on my Fileshare again! (Lol, can't believe it's still up there, I haven't bothered to break-test any maps in ages!)
Definitely. I actually changed how I blocked off the crane so I could save money on the budget. At the moment I believe it's inescapable, but you haven't run through the map as of late... so who knows, lol.
Sorry to break it to you, but I broke it ;] I downloaded the test version to play a few games on it and get back to you, but I saw buddah posting about it being breakable. It only took me a minute or two to figure out how to do it. I started out trying to grenade jump out, but you blocked off that crane really well.
Gridlocked has a special place in my heart, even though I've only been able to play a full game of it twice. I remember getting an Overkill on Linubidix's team in one TGIF. So yeah, I'll definitely help you out with this.