Working on a new (interesting) project

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Master Debayter, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. GladiateSmiths

    GladiateSmiths Ancient
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  2. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I'm using RivalMass's design for this. It works everytime, and doesn't take many objects to forge. That's that.

    I'm now working on the design for the breakable barricades that can be shot out of and at the same time restrict access into the building for the zombies.
  3. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    random box help

    Well, I kinda thought of an idea for the random box. Basically, you can try to make a "cycle" of man cannons, kind of like that "blender" map... you know, with the man cannons shooting you around in a circle, except kind of in a "conveyor belt" kind of effect. Just add the weapons of mass "awesomeness" and it should go in a magical circle. Woo. No idea about incorporating a switch into it, unless the custom powerup is in the way in the cycle, and you take the switch, and it kinda allows the regular flow. "Quotations" ftw.

    The downsides about the idea is that you probably have no idea what I just said, lol... and that it will probably keep on cycling, allowing you to just wait for the weapons you want unless you make the powerup switch thingy respawn in just enough time to get one weapon trapped under it or something. If you're confused, I can kinda make a pic of it using paint or whatever. Or you can just go with that other guy's idea, the really long one with the pics and all that... but at least it's a suggestion.

    Or whatever. I see RickyMass's idea works fine too. Guess I submitted it too late :p.
  4. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Yep. Sorry.
  5. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Use two pallets per window? Put one on top and one on the bottom so there is a slit in the middle for people to shoot though. That could work I suppose.
  6. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I think I'll use one pallet, and hold it up with a receiver node that's at a slant so it keeps up the pallet.
  7. Moniter117

    Moniter117 Ancient
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    For the random weapon dispencer I was thinking of making different "rounds" of weapons spawn. So that 30 seconds into the game auto weapons would be in the box. then more weapons would spawn until all are in there. (I'm not sure how your going to physically make it) this would make it so that at the begining you don't have good weapons but as you move along the random weapons get better.
  8. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Ok guys, I've got good news and bad news.

    The bad news is that when I went onto Halo this morning, the file for the **** Zombies map was deleted off my harddrive. =(

    But the good news is, I worked on remaking it, and it looks exactly the same as it was before I deleted it (other than the fact that I only made half of the outer walls for the help room... and the cave again). I'm going to add in the random box with RivalMass today probably.
  9. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Yeah, but in the real game there is more than one thing zombies have to break in. If you use two they have to break both instead of just slashing one.
  10. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I'm going to give the zombies a low damage modifier, so it'll take multiple hits to destroy one pallet. Humans will have lowered damage resistance, so it'll all work out.
  11. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Alright thats cool. Last suggestion though, put the pallets so they block the top part, that way the zombies can't crouch and hide behind them.
    Just an idea.
  12. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Yeah, I was going to do that anyway. I realize that it has to be raised up in order for it to work right.
  13. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    Now that we have a working random weapon dispensor we need to work on the other major issues in creating the map.

    1. Unlockable Areas

    There are only three unblockable areas which works well for us because we could come up with three different activation switches. To go up the stairs we could have a gravlift hidden behind a wall that pushes you back as you try to go up. You could then have a switch similar to the elevator on moonwaffle where you attempt to flip a warhog which then knocks over some fusion coils. These could then destory the grav lift. I think this option is good for the two stairs though they would have to be covered up from the outside so the zombies don't activate them.

    For the help room I think that it could either be a forced switch at a specific time or a player activated switch. The second one doesn't work very well because players would open the door right away. Maybe opening the door before two minutes would lead to a zombie receiver node but after two minutes it would be blocked. this way you can go in the room early but the zombies will be able to come in easily.

    2. Barricaded windows

    I was interested when someone else mentioned the use of mongeese/mongooses/mongi. This could work well and I think that we should brace the mongoose as in the picture below so that it can not be driven away. When you exit a mongoose it is always to the left (maybe right.. not sure) and so that way a zombie would board the mongoose and then get off inside the base.


    Players should have higher gravity so that they can not jump over and storm the zombie spawn. In order to block the windows, pallets could be on instant respawn next to the mongoose. These would then be pushed in front of the mongoose so that they have to be destroyed before getting in the mongoose. Usually boarding vehicles will allow you to glitch through walls but if it is a movable object such as a pallet it will not work. This must be tested though. blocking access to the mongoose will also restrict vision outside and so it is similar to call of duty. Zombie damage should be changes to require 3 or 4 hits before the pallet breaks. (maybe less to make it easier)
  14. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    couldn't they destroy the mongeese?
  15. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    This seems to have come really far since all of our suggestions, but has anyone tried making a map yet?
  16. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I may have to use that mongoose method on some windows, but barricading in all of those mongeese would use up objects that I'm not willing to use.

    I think I've got the unblockable areas thing down, and I'm going to use deployable grav lifts, so that players may control which entrances are opened and closed. They'll spawn around 60 seconds into the game, at all three blocked off areas. Players will hold on to the lifts and control which things they want to open, and zombies won't be able to pick up the lifts, so players will control their fate.

    I also recently realized that the outside of the level where the zombies inhabit only won't be able to be too large, but that's good for Halo 3 settings. I'm going to need a lot of explosives out there too, for obvious reasons if you've played the real thing.

    That random box still needs to be built before anything else at this moment. I had to rebuild the map so there was room for it, and I need to know how I'll have to build around it to properly work on the map. It's gonna need to be a bit smaller than the design you showed me though, at least it would be better if it was.

    I'm in the process of forging it.
  17. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    not if you have it on indestructible vehicles(yes, it is an option, however rarely used)
  18. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    I honestly don't think that the mongoose method takes up many items. For bracers you could just use short barriers layed down sideways or in another way that allows sight to be kept but keeps players with high gravity from getting over. If you use barriers then it might be a bit hard to have the pallets slide in front of the mongoose. Maybe just have it held in the air by receiver nodes and set its respawn time to around 20 sec.

    I like your idea for the deployable grav lifts as it gives the players much more control and can be something to be fought over or defended. Maybe we could have the players deploy the gravlift in order to get to the switches I mentioned earlier. This however might be impractical and on second though is pretty unnecesary. I'm assuming that with yours, a player would throw a gravlift into a weapon holder which would then aim it at a dumpster or something which is blocking the stairs.

    When you are ready just put your map on your fileshare and recommend it to me so that I can try to add onto it. The version of the random weapon dispensor was my first one and I am pretty sure that its size can be reduced signicantly. Maybe enough to take up the space of a single box across and a little more in height. The materials can vary and it really depends on what items you don'e need as much. I used fencewalls in mine to show what was happening but I could simply use wall corners. I also used two doors which looked nice but you might need them for geomerging and aesthetics. For the small ramp I had also used two of the window panels because they easily make a level ramp rather than having to geomerge a wall into the ground.
  19. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Wouldn't it be hard to shoot around a mongoose lodged in a window? It would kind of make killing zombies before they got inside hard. It might work, but there have been better methods described.
  20. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Give me tonihgt to work on it, I should have it up.

    The problem I'm having is that I'm moving to a new house soon, and my Xbox is already packed. Luckily, I can still unpack it because it's in my room. I'll set it up after my homework for English is done and work on the map. I'll have to delete some objects to make room for the random weapon box.

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