Just got my xbox360 back! And took some new screenshots! Hope you like 'em! Comment And Rate Please =]! Gold Gold & Red Im Sorryy Hero Ok. So They are not the Best names in the World! Lol Links: Gold Gold & Red Im Soryy Hero
welllllll.... The first 2 are very unoriginal. Sorry. But the third one is pretty funny. I like how he looks sad, and valentines day is coming up. lol First two 2/5 Third one 3.5/5
Alright. but like how did the flood turn bright red like that? and i just learned the 1st effect so yea thnx for ratin tho
1 This has been done before but I think you made yours turn out very well. It looks better than most i have seen. 2 Not very original it looks like you just took a picture of the arbiter with a spike grenade exploding next to him 3 This one is the best out of all the pictures. Very original I would say.
Either that or you got the camera angled so that you got the lighting really aiming towards his back making him glow a little I guess. If I am wrong please tell me what you did because then I think its a good screenshot because I can not figure out how you did it.
There is a spot on floodgate. where it is like a light. and if you stand on it. you glow. and somehow i got the flood got red.. idk how. that reminds me i forgot one picture >.<.. Im uploading it now.. sorry guys
ya know, the first effect is the ONE effect that got me originally into screenshot-taking, and i never learned how to do it. Could you plz tell? i'd really appreciate it! ...oh, and 3/5 overall.
1st: 7/10 2nd: 7/10 3rd: 8/10 4th: 5/10 How do you do that gold effect? (oh nvr mind, you said u were gonna make a guide). EDIT: Try making them more original because I have seen all b4.
ya 1st 2 r unoriginal but whos gives a crap if ita a good pic? any i think your best one has to be the third. probably the one you put most work into anyways.
There is this one spot on gaurdian. Thanks for reminding me that i was gonna make a guide for it lol. Im gonna go do that now It will be on the guides here tonight (Edit: I cant get on my xbox untill this weekend. So ill make it then. Sorry)