I was just wondering as i am planning on releasing a few foundry maps either late Feb or early March and dont want my maps to be losts amongst loads of sandbox creations. Do you thinks most foundry maps with go unoticed after the sandbox release?
I'm not. I was going to get the Limited Edition Version anyway, the Mythic maps coming with it just another perk to what looks like a great game.
I wish I had the money, but I don't have enough to spend $70 for early release of map packs. As much of a Halo 3 fanatic I am, I'm not into RTSs whatsoever.
i'm probably gonna get it. I was already gonna get Halo Wars and then it comes with Mythic and other stuff... why not!?!?
Mostly for the maps. But Halo Wars will be the first thing that I will play.. I am saving Sandbox for last to see how long I can hold it! Next I will go skull hunting and then forge on Sandbox. Halo Wars looks so sick! Only 4 more weeks, it will come very quickly!
was gonna get the game regardless cause it looks awesome, but then when that was announced, i went ahead and went all out. Im a fanboy for new map packs
Me and my friend are splitting it, seeing it's 80 bucks, we love halo, and were on the same xbox half the time anyways.
I'm getting halo wars. The maps are just a bonus. Its going to be great. I mean ensemble studios made it so it should be.
Yes I am buying it mostly for Sandbox, but it will still be a good game. And Yes I do believe that most of the foundry maps will be crushed by the Sandbox creations, but not all. There will be some that survive...maybe.
I'll be buying Halo Wars no matter what, but I may or may not buy the LE edition depending how long the time difference is between when the maps are released to the whole public. I'll probably end up buying the LE edition, just because I like all of the extra goodies that comes with supermegahyperawesome pack.
I am. I like RTS's, and also a good story which I know will be provided, because its Halo. And of course, I have to get the LE so I can get Mythic as soon as I can because it's been almost a year since we've gotten a map pack, and I want them so bad. Every single map that we've seen so far looks great.
I dunno. It honestly depends on how long I'll have to wait for the maps otherwise. I wanna get Halo Wars eventually, but it's not at the top of my list (I've got Rock Band DLC, Prince of Persia, and Fallout 3/Fable 2 expansion packs I wanna get first). We shall see.