Sandbox Discussion - Watch your spam.. (Interview links in OP)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Something., Jan 16, 2009.

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  1. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    i like the maps lighting... i have no complaints whatsoever, except i do wish that shadows were more realistic. In foundry, you could completely enclose someone in a box of double boxes and it'd be just as light in the box as in foundry itself.
  2. lunatic

    lunatic Ancient
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    Ofcourse. The only way to get the actual shadows emitting from the boxes would be to actually go back into the model, place the boxes just where they were in forge and bake the lightmaps.
  3. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    I can draw a picture of myself on the moon does that mean I've been there?

    Internal building maps would suck ass then. Too dark to see ****. Only good for infection and who plays that anymore?
  4. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    You fail, horribly. Wanna know why? Because if shadows were added to Halo 3, then there would be shadows! Seems like your just posting because you can. Ever play Blackout before? Ever notice how dark it is and yet it's still playable?

    What we mean is that if you were to place somebody inside a box that had all parts closed off, there would be no light in it. It would add realism to the map, and yes... it would make Infection better.

    Have you ever played a competitive map (Which I assume is the only type of map you wouldn't want to be dark) and have had a completely closed off area?

    Halo 3's shadows don't even exist. Every other game does this but Halo 3.

    EDIT: Oh, and I guese Internal maps would suck then... well. We could always go back to that theory about adding in lights. That would be kickass!

    2nd EDIT: Doesn't seem like it would be to hard to add in forgable lights. They have 'em on High Ground.
  5. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Shadows are in Halo 3. Campaign has heap of them. But have you ever noticed how hard it is too see when you just come from a dark area to a bright area?
    Yes blackout is playable but because the main map is just as right as foundry. Only looks darker because everything around it is. Ever notice how hard it is too see on a map that has been built outside of blackout?

    No light means you can't see. Not being able to see means you don't know if there is anything to shoot at and cannot defend yourself assuming the other team can find you.

    Want to know what it would be like to play on a map with no light? Unplug the yellow AV cable from your TV.

    Yes, Several Conquest maps are completly blocked off.

    Refer to first reply.

    That assuming the placeable lighting comes in other colours besides red and blue. Or if not that those colours don't obscure certain items in random shadows. How hard would it be to see a plasma grenade in a room lit only in blue.

    The ones on highground don't actually light anything.
  6. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I doubt it. Theres a part of me which wants to say yes but I think Bungie may just stick with the immovable objects and filters we've seen before.
    People are guessing that one of those bases is roughly the size of the Grifball Court. So the whole map is more or less like 2 Foundries.[/quote]
    Adding terrain is unlikely, we'll probably just see Sandtrap themed objects from Foundry.
    The colours are added using those orbs floating above the bases. They're the only new thing we've definatly seen and will most likely work like the filters in the Legendary maps.
  7. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    You both fail.

    The ability to create light and dark areas is what i was suggesting, not having dark areas enforced upon you. Enclosed environments should be dark, the entire point being to put a new level of realism on the creator. If you want a light area, you are going to have to create gaps or leave the roof open and allow light to pass through.
  8. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    If they really were to do that, they would have to allow you to add your own light sources into the levels. Otherwise you just wouldn't be able to create any indoor levels, you would NEED to be able to add your own lights.

    Anyhoo. From my observations and hints mentioned in earlier weekly updates I am fairly certain that one will be able to change the time of day on Sandtrap. It would also explain the "Crappy Lighting" since they've had to allow for about 3 different lighting conditions: Daylight, Dusk, Night. Notice how in the first "Official" Sandtrap picture it is cloudy, with no stars. Yet in that second "Unofficial" gameplay Sandtrap picture there are clearly stars. They'll probably have achieved this in a way similar to the "FIilters" - You probably place one of those filter orbs down to change the lighting conditions.

    Only a guess, but an educated and somewhat realistic one.
  9. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Has this turned into a debate?

    Altogether Sandbox will be the biggest hit for us forgers. Who cares if it's that blue grid thing... We don't even know what the blue grid thing is (at least I don't)! And how can it be that much different from that huge... and may i add FLAT space which ALSO includes a grid like thing on it's surface.
  10. Val

    Val Ancient
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    Its obvious isnt it. they've dimmed down the textures and backdrops to make room for forging. To put more objects in their gonna need to save on memory to avoid lag
  11. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I concur with the above statement. It seems very logical that in Forge's current state, the only way to increase budget would be to cut back on some things like lighting. But we really don't know anything substantial, so all talk is hearsay. I'm sure many laughs will be had at this thread once the final product is revealed.

    You should learn about how business really works before you make asinine comments like that. What they "think is best" is clearly based off past success with their product, and they have undoubtedly earned it.

    There are shadows in Halo 3. You can't honestly tell me you've never seen the shadow of your armor in-game and expect me to believe that you've actually played it more than once.

    I hate to break it to you, buddah, but there aren't any stars in the "unofficial" picture. I believe what you're seeing is the blast effect from the Rocket Launcher. I see the stuff in the sky, but the same particles are flying around the cloud from the rocket blast. Unless you're talking about a different picture than I am...
  12. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Oh, er, crap.

    I mean......yeah I was talking about a different>.>

    Well I still stand by my prediction even if I now lack any evidence to support it. You gotta have faith! dodo do do
  13. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Now that we know what sandbox look likes. now we only have to figure out one mportant factor do we infinite items?

    Being able to have no light would be amazing like conkerkid11 just said. It would make awesome maze maps even better, trying to find your way through a dark chasm would be cool. Getting chased by zombies in dark hallways would be cool.
    #553 HLG FlashPoint, Feb 2, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2009
  14. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    We aren't going to be given forge filters that provide light. We are going to be given a larger and slighty more diverse forge pallet (that means more of each standard item like double boxes and walls, but with aesthetic upgrades). No offense, but even if you had forge filters it would not save maze maps, because they are just like every other maze map, but each one sucks at a progressively lower level. Besides we already have the forge filters necesary to provide that effect. Gameplay wise, in an infection map who would want to go into darker areas. That would put them at a disadvantage. Infection fans have enough brains to realize that, however much people mindlessly plan it out and play it.


    Honestly, I'm starting to doubt people's sanity with the amount of hype that's been going on. Shishka has already alluded to having a budget. We are not going to be given infinite amount of items because we never have gotten an infinite amount of items. They can only increase the amount of immoveable objects, but infinite budget is ridiculous. That would put an enormous strain on the xbox.
  15. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Not you too Buddha. You do realize that in the second pic you are looking towards where the camera is in the first pic? Different part o the sky. Just like avalanche has clear sky on one side and dark smokey clouds on the other. Doesn't mean we can change the time.

    Like I said to Conker, if you want that effect, unplug your Xbox's video feed from the back of your tv leaving the audio in. Or i you want more of a textile experiance. Wear a blindold all day.
  16. Shishka

    Shishka Ancient
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    You say that as though you represent the entire Halo 3 player base.

    Millions of people play Halo 3. It's the highest selling 360 game to date. Not every one of those players agrees on everything. So whose opinion do is it that's supposed to be listened to, then? Shall we cater just to MLG, and only make four or five small, symmetrical maps and two or three guns to play with? Should we go with the kids that think all weapons should be able to be dual wielded? Most players don't even spend any time in Forge. Maybe it should go. More players play Matchmaking than custom games. Maybe customs should go?

    Perhaps we should cut Forge and multiplayer all together to focus on the players that are only interested in campaign/co-op and the Halo fiction. Or vice versa?

    I think you need to work on your perspective a bit. Making such broad-stroke claims is pretty insane, when you really think about it. I'll go ahead and suggest that there is a reason why Halo 3 is so popular, and part of that is because we don't design-by-committee with the fan community, which is clearly larger than you're giving it credit for.
  17. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    For the first time in a long ass time, I completely respect and agree with Shishka on a subject. You guys really dont realize how many different styles and opinions there are.
  18. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Agreed. Thinking you're style and specific tastes are the only ones that really matter is stupid. Its depressing to see what some members are posting on this official Forge Hub thread that people, even Shiska and Urk for christ's sake, can see.

    Bungie has to balance all the styles of gameplay for everyone. Cut them some slack.
  19. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    congratulations conker kid! you got burned by a bungie employee, good for you
    in reply to what shiska said, i think he's right, you can't follow one group of people ideas, like the mlg analogy, so thats probably why sandbox is a forge map, assembly is your asymmetric one flag right? and heretic is supposedly midship, one of the greatest symmetrical maps, our almost symmetrical, i don't remember. and While your here Shiska could you drop us a line about sandtrap, just a simple "the forging on here will be more enjoyable than most other maps" would be fine. and the reason people don't use forge is that it has a learning curve, in matchmaking, it's pressing the A button like 3 times, in forge it takes knowledge of weapon placement, flow, and all the techinques. But the result of a session of forge can be just as, if not more rewarding then a bout of matchmaking.
    now on the map, i don't know if someones talked about this put heres a link to bungies acceptance speach for g4 game of the year, were there in a sandy map never seen before, also they say keep it clean when marty starts talking about there new project. So maybe to be nice they put lots of easter eggs for us to find
  20. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Just cut out the entire game except for theater mode. :)

    Shishka, I think it best to ignore some of the younger members. Responding to them will only frustrate you in the end. Best save your time droppin' lols rather than logic.

    Anyways, I've been dreamin like you told me too and I dreamt that you would leak some small tidbit about sandbox. You know you want to. :)
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